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2004-08-25 01:01:28

Who's tear?

聽著阪本龍一 臉上淌著隱形的淚水 喝了一瓶加了四分之一lemon的corona 我在想什麼呢 是思念嗎?但是在思念誰呢? 是在哀悼寂寞嗎? 可能性百分之八六點八七 颱風呼呼的吹著我的玻璃 他又想說些什麼 或是想幹些...

2004-04-22 04:18:45

I don''t need your care anymore

I don't need your care anymore I don't want to answer your questions I don't want to answer your call I don't want to see your face I don't want to know about your confuse There's nothing bet...

2004-04-21 06:00:00

I don't need your care anymore

I don't want to answer your questions I don't want to answer your call I don't want to see your face I don't want to know about your confuse There's nothing between us Just keep the distance...

2004-04-21 05:59:00

I don't need your care anymore

I don't want to answer your questions I don't want to answer your call I don't want to see your face I don't want to know about your confuse There's nothing between us Just keep the distance...

2004-04-21 05:58:00

I don't need your care anymore

I don't want to answer your questions I don't want to answer your call I don't want to see your face I don't want to know about your confuse There's nothing between us Just keep the distance...

2004-04-21 05:56:00

I don't need your care anymore

I don't want to answer your questions I don't want to answer your call I don't want to see your face I don't want to know about your confuse There's nothing between us Just keep the distance...

2004-04-21 05:55:00

I don't need your care anymore

I don't want to answer your questions I don't want to answer your call I don't want to see your face I don't want to know about your confuse There's nothing between us Just keep the distance...

2004-04-21 05:55:00

I don't need your care anymore

I don't want to answer your questions I don't want to answer your call I don't want to see your face I don't want to know about your confuse There's nothing between us Just keep the distance...

2004-04-21 05:54:00

I don't need your care anymore

I don't want to answer your questions I don't want to answer your call I don't want to see your face I don't want to know about your confuse There's nothing between us Just keep the distance...

2004-04-21 05:54:00

I don't need your care anymore

I don't want to answer your questions I don't want to answer your call I don't want to see your face I don't want to know about your confuse There's nothing between us Just keep the distance...

2004-04-16 07:49:56


昨天 今天 又被陰了 氣 又能如何 但還是氣 為什麼這麼沒擔當 遇到事情害怕背責任 往好邊靠 把責任推給別人 遇到這種同事 真的只能算我倒楣嗎? 我只是不喜歡做這種逃避責任的人 也不喜歡說人不好又好...

2004-04-03 16:59:15

A New Chance?

在利達也有一個月了 漸漸踏出陌生的界限 機房考試也一次考過 似乎漸入佳境 希望三個月快過去 才能安心的待下去 資深助理們一個一個的離職 新部門的成立 這會是我的機會嗎? 雖然談這早了點 但是這也成了繼續...

2003-03-24 21:47:15


今天終於做出了決定 兩堂的廣告學心不在焉 老師說的一字一句 聽起來都是生硬又無趣 我笑不出來也無法專心 四點,回電 彼此冷靜的聊了一會兒 原本以為會很激烈 但我們都很平靜 我說了 最後還是說了 ...

2003-01-15 23:14:30


元氣病了 得了結膜炎 雖然不是很嚴重 但我還是很擔心 最近幾天都在做不祥的夢 夢到的都是元氣離開我了 我在逃亡被追殺 拎著貓籠到處跑 最後弄丟了 醒來後好難過 如果你真的離開了我身邊 我想那樣的...

2003-01-10 02:39:40


今天寶貝兒子洗完澡 就去了阿南家貓聚 引起了不小的轟動 因為我們家寶貝實在是太可愛啦 而且比體重比身材都是一等一 大家都爭相抱他 哈哈∼ 不知不覺的 生活中已經無法缺少他了 只有你在心裡都會有一股暖...

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