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2011-07-29 20:21:54
2011-06-01 17:21:42

Stay With Me

(DEHP Incident)What a pitySomeForgot the beauty of lifeForgot the smiling faces of childrenThusForgot their responsibilitiesand taught their young onesTo ignore as well.......

2011-05-31 11:51:51

- 夜航西伯利亞 -

這兩天不知怎麼的 總是想起飛的日子(是不是人年紀大了都會如此? 完蛋了, 我老了.......).下午五點的飛機J 航 關西 - 法蘭克福.也許是座位沒滿 劃位到 Upper deck進入機艙 跟旁邊的先生點一下頭表示歉意因為我背...

2011-05-30 21:34:46

哎呀, 很窘啊!!!

就快要搬回中部了兒子畢業典禮要當什麼代表, 要練習...端午節不能回去所以就提早一周帶他回去吃奶奶包的粽子.回來的車上想起旅行..想起以往搭飛機的日子..想起.....某年在慕尼黑等班機往法蘭克福再轉日本.當時法蘭克...

2011-05-27 16:57:04

...之前, 一個人出去走走...

濛濛的雨天低氣壓從窗外呼嘯而過..想起那天騎著我的 125上山去.很小很小的"瀑".海芋.海芋.海芋.海芋.海芋.海芋.海芋.海芋.海芋.都是海芋.下山途中拍的.來杯咖啡 + 檸檬蛋糕.那天...心情是愉快的!!!!

2011-05-26 13:47:59

The Message of the Rain

The Message of the RainThe Message of the RainWhen i was a childi was a squirrel a bluejay a foxand spoke with them in their tonguesclimbed their trees dug their densand knew the tasteof every grass a...

2011-05-25 12:18:43
2011-05-18 16:32:05

--- 多年不見的你 ---

You're leaving on a jet plane........台北 溫度異常的下午..Polo 衫 牛仔褲 黑運動墨鏡你很陽光的打了招呼.金城武 和 哈比人 喝咖啡.抽菸 *哈比人會抽菸還是被你騙的....*哈...........你爽朗的笑了.攪動著杯子...

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