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2005-11-15 01:18:31


this is a busy month. many friends are graduated and i almost go to take photo in every weekend. I will be taken photo next week.

2005-11-14 01:18:31


i get sick. serious this time.

2005-11-06 00:18:31
2005-11-03 00:18:31


這幾天努力跑步,前一天用了一個小時跑完十公里,今天用了55分鐘。 跑步令身體變得好一些, 也可以令我放鬆, 因為屋企的關係, 當其他人對我態度不好,我便很易發脾氣 在這裹要說一聲對不起, 我心裹是很內咎的。 ...

2005-10-25 02:18:31

Welcome Back_Leung Yau Tim

one month. I have to find a job . reason number 1: i don’t have much money left. reason number 2: i can’t stay in this flat anymore. reason number 3: i wan to be independence. Tonight, i almo...

2005-10-21 04:18:31

photo(Top of the Duomo at Milan)

Here is the address of my photo which is taken in Europe. http://hk.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/lyt19811124/my_photos

2005-10-19 03:18:30


我的手信即將派完, 表示我的假期也即將完結. 我很享受這些日子, 可是和已在工作的朋友分享, 總是有點話不投機,不知所以. 和去過歐洲的人談天, 大家都很懷念那裹的日子. 外面的天空真的是很大. 我不是小看...

2005-10-13 15:05:59

i miss my trip

開始適應香港的生活,但仍然很不喜歡. 再次成為發條人. 現在就好似啲電影主角抽離唔到角色咁.

2005-10-11 02:50:35


我最深刻的是在Greece 的 Crete島 的 Chania 機場過夜的一晚. 由於我坐的是往Italy 羅馬的7:00am飛機,而Chania最早的巴士是在6:30am,根本趕唔到班飛機,只可以選擇搭的士,所以我在前一天晚上九時便到了機場,準備睡一...

2005-10-10 02:23:05


many ppl said they want my 比薩斜塔杯. this is really special and i got only one. so ,this is mine. i don’t have enough 手信. trouble.

2005-10-09 03:18:25


It’s just like a dream. the Europe trip is like a dream. many things is changing in my mind, more opened,widen my horizon i just can’t be a working machine, that’s justified when i back Hong Kon...

2005-10-03 20:08:54

Venice (day 2

very cold here. not enough clothes. the glass is very nice here. worry to travel Verona. very cold.

2005-10-02 19:48:19


i am now in Venice. and go to verona at 4/10. back hk at 6/10.arrival at 7/10 very cold here. i buy the coffee for u,eric. but u have to pay cos it is expensive.

2005-09-28 05:53:41


now i am in rome. happy here.&.&

2005-09-12 23:18:25


i am in Hong KOng airport.going to leave. good news is my mum promise me to pay the bill for hotel fee. so i can live in hotel. but i still perfer to live in hostel. but....... hahahha. i have t...

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