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2005-10-11 23:52:29| 人氣341| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

to the one who never been love be4

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if ever you’ve got rain in your heart

someone has hurt you and torn you apart

am i unwise to open up your eyes to love me

and let it be like they said it would be

me loving you girl and you loving me

am i unwise to open up your eyes to love me

run to me when ever you’re loney

run to me if you need a shouldr

now and then you’ll need someone older

so darling you run to me

and when you’ve out in the cold

no one beside you and no one to hold

am i unwise to open up your eyes

to love me

and when you’ve got nothing to lose

nothing to pay for and nothing to choose

am i unwise to open up your eyes

to love me...

台長: 犭苗
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