很慚愧的, 雖然他的兩張專輯我都很喜歡,
尤其是下面要介紹的這兩首歌, (我最愛的兩首)
只是, 一直待到今天, 才赫然發現這兩首歌究竟在寫些什麼,
然後發現自己... 又更迷戀這兩首歌... T.T
他的第一張專輯... you’re beautiful...
這首歌大家一定都聽到爛了, 而看它字面的意思,
是的, 它的確是在形容一個初次見面的美女,
她美的就像天使一樣, 只是, 她的身邊, 有另一個他...
接下來, 他瘋狂的為她著迷,
只是, 打從他的內心深處, 也提醒著他該認清現實...
在這短暫一瞥的幾秒鐘過後, 他們仍舊有各自的路要走,
然而他卻不會忘記, 曾經見過這樣美麗的女子...
而第二張專輯... carry you home...
主要是說著一個女孩, 曾經是那麼的堅強,
麻煩就像是她的朋友一樣, 而她也總是愈挫愈勇,
只是, 這次麻煩又回來找她了, 而這次她很清楚的瞭解...
畢竟走到一個顛峰, 總是該有下坡的時刻,
這樣的景象, 當然令所有人的心情很是低落, 非常的低落,
他待在這個女子身邊, 靜靜的看著她, 看著她呼出最後一口氣,
那個曾經如此堅強的女孩, 現在卻變得如此脆弱,
他為她唱一首歌, 當一切陷入死寂般的寧靜時,
他知道, 是該走的時候了, 而他會帶著她回家, 回到屬於她的家...
我的老天, 眼淚差點就跟著滾了出來...
感動丫~~* 傑克, 怎麼讓我聽到這麼感人的歌... T.T
附記1... You’re Beautiful
My life is brilliant. My love is pure.
I saw an angel. Of that I’m sure.
She smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won’t lose no sleep on that,
’Cause I’ve got a plan.
You’re beautiful. You’re beautiful.
You’re beautiful, it’s true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don’t know what to do,
’Cause I’ll never be with you.
Yes, she caught my eye, As we walked on by.
She could see from my face that I was, Fucking high,
And I don’t think that I’ll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last ’till the end.
You’re beautiful. You’re beautiful.
You’re beautiful, it’s true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don’t know what to do,
’Cause I’ll never be with you.
La la la la la la la la la
You’re beautiful. You’re beautiful.
You’re beautiful, it’s true.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
But it’s time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.
附記2... Carry You Home
Trouble is her only friend and he’s back again
Makes her body older than it really is
And she says it’s high time she went away
No ones got much to say in this town
Trouble is the only way is down, down, down
As strong as you were, Tender you go
I’m watching you breathing for the last time
A song for your heart, But when it is quiet
I know what it means, And I’ll carry you home
I’ll carry you home
If she had wings she would fly away
And another day god will give her some
Trouble is the only way is down,down,down
As strong as you were, Tender you go
I’m watching you breathing for the last time
A song for your heart, But when it is quiet
I know what it means. And I’ll carry you home
I’ll carry you home
And they’re all born pretty in New York City tonight
and someones little girl was taken from the world tonight
under the Stars and Stripes
As strong as you were, Tender you go
I’m watching you breathing for the last time
A song for your heart, But when it is quiet
I know what it means, And i’ll carry you home
As strong as you were, Tender you go
I’m watching you breathing for the last time
A song for your heart, But when it is quiet
I know what it means, And I’ll carry you home
I’ll carry you home
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