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2003-05-25 11:55:49



2003-05-19 23:32:41


老妁 好多蔑[你]三年的照顧 原來我已經.. 有福氣 係好有福氣. **********************************************************************離開[你]之後的日子唔知會點 但 我會努力 唔畀[你]擔心... ++++++++...

2003-05-19 23:28:04


陳奕迅的新歌 "十年" 第一次聽 就令我想起 同我一齊三年 一直都在我身邊 不離不棄 的[你]........ .......................................................................................................

2003-05-12 17:36:13


澳門終於在星期五 發現同証實了 第一宗 非典型個案..... 報導一出街 這個男人即成為全澳 千夫所指... 好多人都話佢好衰 將病毒瘉入境... 但我覺得 這個並不是他的問題 而是他的自私 如...

2003-05-12 17:30:23


十分之多謝您一個網址 .................... 令我明白到愛一個人 應該要點做才好 人真是時時刻刻都在產生 .......矛盾.......... 但當自己確定目標的話 矛盾盲不會產生 我愛[你]的三年 講真... 好多...

2003-05-12 17:23:52


來到今天.... 我好乖 因為真的一星期內我和零食朋友 真的永別了 它們.... 是我生命的主要來源 即使我病得要死, 它們都會常伴我左右 但現在~~真的...*永別了* 為了自己的身體 為了你們不停對我...

2003-05-07 20:57:37


我同[你]要分開 係一個事實 ...... 我唔會因為愛情而要學業停下來 對不起 只望[你]能明瞭 ................................... icq上自己打的一句 (期待四年後遇返當天單身的[你]) .....................

2003-05-07 20:50:32


原來有好多野 自己一直都唔知道架 真係真係原來 圍繞我地周圍的 真係有好多好多野令我地*開不了口* 今日一放學 沖完良 即聽歌 係亞jay(開不了口) 突然間 回想起 以前同[你]走過的日子 特別係在(廣州...

2003-05-05 22:31:42


if i could have a star for every time you've made me smile with joy then the whole night sky would be in my hands

2003-05-05 22:25:22


you don't love a woman just because she's beautiful she is beautiful because of your love love based on beauty will die as soon as beauty dies

2003-05-05 22:21:40

love (5)

loving is like playing the piano first you need to learn the rules then you need to throw them away and play from your heart

2003-05-05 22:18:25


don't marry the one you can live with marry the one you can't live without

2003-05-05 22:15:53


most of all cherish the love you have received it will survive long after your good health has gone

2003-05-05 22:12:47


people who are nervous about love don't know if it is going to last beyond tonight so they keep asking themselves "will you still love me tomorrow?"

2003-05-05 22:09:55


A love relationship is like sand you hold in your hand if you hold the sand loosely it will stay in your hand but if you close your hand and squeeze it tightly to hold on to it the sand wil...

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