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2016-04-05 10:40:17| 人氣3,136| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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  NHKワル─ドプレミアル電視頻道,有個介紹找尋祖先過往ファミリ─ヒストリ─(Family History)節目,在星期五晚上沒事時,老喜歡看這抽絲剝繭溯本追源的家族故事介紹。










Chi Tsai 


6:19 (1 小時前)


寄給 我、 Sue

Trace the Root


Trace the Root is a very curious andinteresting thing. From the network I got a lot of advantages, I began tosearch for the origin and ancestry in Taiwan and hometown of Chingshui atTaichung. This is my first time to see a very detailed where many attractions,including my grandfather's 17th generation ancestors plaque and inscriptionrecords engraved on the stone, describes a social exchanges and contributionsof its contemporary society and status.


We walked up the slope to a temple. Thetemple is very famous in the town, called Ziyunyan. Ziyunyan is located in thetown at Aofong foothills, the main hall for the two-story buildings, both sideeach had a bell tower. The temple roof is covered golden yellow glazed tiles,the main hall of the Goddess of Mercy, the Qing period of Tongzhi third year,had written ancient words on plaque "mercy protect  soldiers at war". There is a gardenbehind the main hall, year 34th of Qianlong period, the temple embankmentrebuilt monument. This is my great-grandfather's cousin Tsai Minnan ancestor herepaired dikes and protecting the flood relief stele records. It isconsiderable a important historical monument.


We Read following signs and walking alongthe street, the first street to the Spring Creek, which was an early era publiclaundry and social place. Today it is still flowing clean spring water, freshwater flows slowly. It seems to imagine life returning back to this smallancient town at Aofong hill. We continued to read roadside billboards, oldphotos of the story, also shows the history of water. These photos showed thescenery, the social life of harmony and symbol of happiness at that time.


This is a trip of Trace Root, I must thankthe leader of enthusiasm guy, Mr. Tsai Youyi, he is my cousin ofeighth-generation descendant of a common ancestor. At a young age he had livedin the town of Chingshui, therefore very familiar with this legendary story. Heis also a writer, he graduated from Doshisha University in Japan studyingdiamond jewelry as a professional, verification experts. This trip is on theway from Hsinchu where he lived to Chingshui, to visit all the relatives, phonecalls, one by one, never say tired. He was happy to welcome us and explain my grandfathercoordinated to construct Chingshui the first Presbyterian Church. He took us tosee the Church, it is just in reconstruction. The trip is so rich and happy,our last stop is in Tsai Memorial Hall for a moment, watching the outdoor walland gate, old preservation iconic building, above the side door to write thewords "I also read the book" let me ponder the meaning of the word,as it said: "I read the book to learn." this means that the era ofpeople, reading is important. Thus, its asset can be saved to protect andretained to the present.















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(蔡家宗祠 清水著名蔡源順的九老爹舊宅---還讀我書的橫幅)


台長: 蔡蟳

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