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Where do broken hearts go

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I know it's been some time 我知道 已經過了一段時間了
But there's something on my mind但仍然有些難以忘懷的事旋繞在心頭
You see, I haven't been the same Since that cold November day...你知道嗎 從你離開的那個寒冷的冬天起我已經徹底的改變了
We said we needed space我們說好 給彼此一些喘息的空間
But all we found was an empty place但是為什麼 卻發現彼此已再已無法有心靈的交集
And the only thing I learned 終於我學到了一件事
Is that I need you desperately... 我是多麼極度的需要你的一切
So here I am And can you please tell me... oh所以 我一直在等著你 希望能夠告訴我你離去的原因

Where do broken hearts go 破碎的心 心碎何處
Can they find their way home它們能夠尋得一個原本屬於他們的地方嗎
Back to the open arms Of a love that's waiting there我等待著他們再次回到我那曾經渴望愛的懷抱裡
And if somebody loves you縱然 你找到一個愛你的人
Won't they always love you但 他們不會像我一樣永遠愛你的
I look in your eyes And I know that you still care, for me 我從你眼裡看見 你仍然是在乎我的
I've been around enough to know我已追尋許久 以至於我明白
That dreams don't turn to gold 我祈求的事 不會輕易實現
And that there is no easy way絕對不會那麼輕易的
No you just can't run away...不要 別輕易地離去
And what we have is so much more Than we ever had before我們擁有的比過去那一切還要更使我難以忘懷
And no matter how I try無論我做什麼
You're always on my mind總是無法輕易將你忘去


And now that I am here with you現在 我陪在你身邊
i'll never let you go我還是會緊緊地依靠著你
I look into your eyes我看見你的眼神
And now I know, now I know...我終於明白 終於明白了









這代表著 you and me (ed)

love you  heart   who can know ?

ture  love        i  never  give up      

determind   heart        forever

you?    i  misse you  every  day

i sad   i  crying  now

but  i  can  challenge 


這首歌   我一直都很愛

台長: ♥[ LIN YU HSIU] ♥


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I love U (啊)

Ha :D
2009-08-09 22:28:47
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