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2008-01-22 20:33:16| 人氣157| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

♡If I Could♡

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作詞:魏如昀 作曲:魏如昀

I guess I just wanna take a walk
I guess I just wanna drink a little
Maybe it’s long way to get the truth
Maybe it’s long way to make it clear

Maybe it’s long way to happy ending
Maybe it’s long way to stop crying

What can I do to make you laugh
What can I do to make things complete

If I could, If I really could
to see the sun of tomorrow
to across the sorrow
If I could, If I really could
機會主義的空 墨非定律成拙

If I could, If I really could
to see the sun of tomorrow
to across the sorrow
If I could, If I really could
機會主義的空 墨非定律成拙

台長: 小屁屁
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