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2020-12-02 05:26:02

I Missed You

I wish I was as brave as everybody, I would've spent more time with you, deary. Since cannot go back to change the past, Guilt and regrets are all I've amassed. Hundred and four days h...

2020-12-02 05:22:08


自君別後夢魂牽,心事縈懷未可傳。 愧矣病床愁默默,嘆兮淚影枉漣漣。 悠悠此憾成終古,渺渺斯情可鑒天。 來世朋緣能續否?依窗夜夜坐茫然。

2020-11-30 04:36:30


心中思緒黯如秋,嘆矣花兒未許留。 怎向紫香求一夢,浮生一夢屬奢求。

2020-11-28 08:47:09


楓葉紫花悵蕩然,啼痕亂緒滿詩篇。 一花一葉皆迷惘,愧負知心十六年。

2020-11-27 04:52:49

You, My Dear, Mattered

You lying in your hospital bed thinking that I don't cared. You thought I cared about hockey more than you, your heart felt tattered. I wished I can tell you that you were wrong, Hockey doesn...

2020-11-26 14:52:40

Missing you in my dream

Lying awake every night, Hoping visit you might. Tell me that everything is okay, And I can tell you why I stayed away. I'm sorry I've made you sad, Shattered your heart into pieces...

2020-11-26 06:49:08


鬱鬱懷中意,泠泠臉上哀。 婷婷屏幕照,清清歲寒梅。 前事眉間鎖,淚花眼角開。 當時無片語,愧疚訪夢台。

2020-11-24 13:43:32

Endless Grief

I have been withering from this deep sorrow and painful grief, When will I fall like an autumn leaf? I have lost my way and cannot stay strong, Since you were gone, I don't know where I belon...

2020-11-24 04:55:37


紅塵一例到伶仃,眉擁蒼煙渡平生。 天道因緣原自許,冰霜人事與誰盟。 焚香能許千年約?入夢重牽隔世情。 今夜傷懷不為酒,何如窗下泣聲聲。

2020-11-21 05:32:24


念人容易卻愁身,未盡輕憐淚滴頻。 舊事迴思添霜鬢,枯枝重看悼逝春。 飛花逐月香浮冷,短夢翻空影亂筠。 此去誰知來世事,或隨風信入紅塵。

2020-11-19 08:18:08


寒蟾落落過簾來,依窗獨佇眉難開。 嘆矣天心如電轉,逝兮往事隨塵埃。 聞言彼岸不為遠,許讓花魂訪夢台。 歡聚何匆別何苦,留取音容入詞賦。 託月向君傳心語,可記當年共搖櫓?

2020-11-17 04:58:51


花已隨風感慨多,園中久立愧如何。 哀思句自心頭出,悔咎痕從眼底過。 緊抱離懷傷入髓,聞傳彼岸信成魔。 難能自勸忘前事,前事絲絲扣夢柯。

2020-11-15 04:37:28


本非草木此何堪,天意無情誰肯甘。 隱約霞光凝落日,依稀倩影舞輕嵐。 幽思紊亂難尋夢,愁緒牽縈欲效蠶。 惆悵迷濛雲蓋月,一腔心事付呢喃。

2020-11-13 11:13:15

Missing You More And More

I hope you are not sick of me, I sounded like a broken record. Keep telling you I missed you with no answer, That made me missing you more and more. I just hope you would come into my dream...

2020-11-13 04:35:52


霜風一剎換悲歡,夜坐芸窗數漏殘。 昔日光陰難再共,淒淒獨對楚天寒。

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