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February 1st, 2008
Linda Newkirk

My Blessed Child, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God.Listen to Me Little One and write as I say that all may be the wiser! Hearken I say, all you nations! Rise up and hear what I say!
Open your eyes to see! Burst open your ears to hear! For do you not see that the whole world stands on a precipice, that the whole world now overlooks a great abyss!Who can stay My hand of judgement?
Who can turn back My hand of timing? Who can know what I will do, or when I will do a thing? None I say! None can stay My hand, and none can know My ways! For surely many say, that is not of the Lord! He did not do such a horrible thing to His people! He has not brought such judgement! He has not destroyed in such a way! But, I tell you now, that these speak in ignorance! They speak foolishness! They speak the desires of their own hearts! For, I create, and I destroy! For I am both a God of great love, and an all-consuming fire! Oh yes, I am an all-consuming fire! And this part, most wish to leave out! They want to believe that I am love, but My love burns hot! My love cannot look upon evil and be pleased with it!

Oh yes, I strive with the sinners! I have striven with you all since the beginning! And, all of you sinners! For I am full of love, mercy, and grace toward all! But even so, I am also an all consuming fire! And when I warn, and warn, and warn, through the mouths of My prophets and you despise My warnings, mock My prophets and even throw them out of your midst, oh then, after so much of this, I will turn against the mockers!I will turn against the scorners; and I will set My eye toward you for total destruction!

I will utterly destroy the wicked! I will destroy the mockers!I will destroy the rebellious, and My word is replete with such instances of My judgement! But, I do not destroy without warning! And oh how I have warned you, you My people, all over the world! Oh yes, I have warned you! But few, and I mean few, have listened! Oh hard-necked and stiff-necked generation! A generation of vipers, mockers, slanderers, backbiters, accusers, rapists, sodomites, perverts, liars, murderers, and thieves of every description! Undisciplined and unruly! Fit for destruction! Full of every deception! Oh my whip shall fall hard on you! And of a sudden, I shall rip the rug from beneath your feet! Of a sudden, I shall take away all that you cherish and hold dear! Of a sudden, I shall break you like a twig in the wind!Of a sudden I shall destroy your families, destroy your houses, destroy your careers, and take away your easy lives! Of a sudden I shall lay waste to your cities, to your coastlines, to your high-minded governments, and to you panderers and peddlers of falsehoods and lies! In one instant I shall deal such a blow to My own house and such a blow to Satan’s Kingdom that indeed, the New World Order will go forth on wobbly knees! Oh yes! This is so, and this is at hand! For when I take My bride, I shall throw the world into such turmoil that overnite there shall come about massive starvation!

Overnite, millions upon millions will perish in the churning waters! Overnite millions upon millions will be buried beneath the crumbling rocks of earthquakes that are so great that your instruments have never measured such things! Oh yes, overnite millions upon millions without electrical power! Millions upon millions without food! Millions upon millions dead! Banks closing and no money to be had! Wars, terrible wars, quickly thereafter breaking out all over the world as Satan’s own try for world domination! Terrible torture, persecution, and killing of many Christians! Mind control re-education camps in your midst and the new world order mind control teams working feverishly to take over the minds of the weak Christians and to use them for their own!

Massive killing camps which far exceed anything Hitler ever had, as far as their grotesque horrors! A war against the so-called Christians such as never before, with any and all methodologies used against them to cause them to denounce Me and My Son!Trials by the fire! Oh, great and terrible trails by the fires of persecution, starvation, wars, and deprivations of every kind!

Harsh! Severe! Nuclear destruction! Poisoned food! Harsh! Severe! Oh the weeping! Oh the wailing, as all that all hold dear in this world, evaporates before their very eyes! Oh yes, the whole world now stands at the edge of this great abyss! And what keeps you from tumbling into the abyss? I do! I have stayed My hand and I will stay My hand a little longer! But know one thing and know this for a certainty! When Revelation 12 is ended then the whole world will go headlong into the abyss! In that I allow you a little more time, I do so that you humble yourselves unto repentance! That you get on your knees before Me and confess your sins! Forsake your sins! I forgive the truly repentant and the sincere of heart! In that I delay a little longer the coming of My Son, I do so also to allow you to prepare for the harsh times, which are ahead! To all who are able to do so, get out of the cities! Get survival-oriented! Consider the times of massive starvation, massive power failures and wars! Put away food for three and one half years! Put away seeds so that you can garden! Put away supplies, for you will find that the stores shelves quickly empty out when this devastation hits! I tell you now, massive devastation, as yet never before seen in the earth! Prepare for hard times! Yes I will soon take My Bride, but she will come back! Most wedding guests will come back, and I will keep whom I will!

But do you suppose that you are going to escape anything! I say, prepare! And get away from coastlines! Remove yourselves from the areas of the Great Lakes and the swath of land which stretches between the Great Lakes and Mississippi River, for one day these lakes will dump into the Mississippi River! Remove yourselves from California coastlines and get far inland! For one day soon, the ocean will reclaim much of this! To My people I tell you, pack up and leave Florida! That’s right! Such a judgement will come upon Florida that when I am through with it, only a string of islands will be left! Pack up and move from the Gulf Coast, and make haste! For so great shall be My destruction along this coast! Where will you go! Fast, pray, and seek My face, and I will guide you! Put Me first and I will show You My will! Yes I am tarrying a while longer, but even so, it is but a short while still! Do as I say! Live for Me! Put Me first wherever you are! Though many may soon perish I will take all who love and honor, Me and My Son! Even if your body perishes in a prison camp, you will be at peace! For My Son will be there to take you! But some, I wish to preserve! You will be here through it all! Listen to Me! Get prepared! Come out of New York City! Leave the East Coast!

Hear what I tell you now! For in one day, such a great upheaval shall strike the world, as none of you have ever seen in recent years! I am your Father Yahweh! Hear My words! Repent! Live for Me!
Stop your selfish ways! Give to Me what is Mine! Bless My prophets and My anointed servants and I bless you! Steal from Me, and I allow Satan to steal from you! You have robbed Me! You have stolen from My house, and I command that you give to Me what is Mine, and I will give to you, what is sure! Linda Newkirk

Feb 21, 2008
Matthew Steven

I was tired, so I said Lord I am going to bed, I had my computer on and I went over to turn it off and the Lord said no, I want to speak to you, I want you to write. The Lord said remember my son, I have given my Angel charge over you, For what I am about to tell you, the time has now come, it is the appointed time. I looked at the clock at that moment it was 12:21 A.M. and the room got very bright and I looked and saw a man in white linen holding a sword.

As I looked behind him, I could see a large body of water. Just then the angel of the Lord pointed with His hand, and there appeared before me the United States of America. I saw four huge Angels one standing on the West Coast, East Coast, the Great Lakes and the Gulf Coast, They had these huge swords in their hands, they held them out to each other touching the tips of all four swords together. Then they pulled back and held up their swords in the air, just then I heard the voice of the Lord say, son of man prophesy against the holy places and to the land of America. The Lord God said tell America I am against her, at that moment I saw the righteous and the wicked running, all over America.I said Lord why are they running? He said: For they are running to hide from my Judgment. Just then I looked again and I saw the man in white linen, raise up his sword with two hands I saw His waist, there was a gold band around Him. He swung His sword in a 360 degree wave. Then He flew up in the Air and there where lightning bolts that came out from His face. I looked again at his face, it looked like lightning, then He stuck His sword down into the middle of the White House, and it just blew apart, like it was no longer needed, the president was struck.

I saw another 911 rise up that was seven times greater, and military troops were blocking all roads. At that moment the Angel on the West Coast turned to face the Pacific Ocean, I saw four demon spirits rise up, the angel of the Lord commanded, you must let go of the sea, the demons yell out two times no, no. Just then the Holy Angel of God Almighty, took His sword and struck the Pacific Ocean. Then the sea rose up hundreds of feet in the air, the demons screamed out and the Angel of the Lord struck them and they disappeared. The sea was rapidly coming towards the west coast and went towards many other countries. Then I looked at the Angel that struck the sea, and I wept, and said, the souls of men, is there not another way? The Lord God said, my son they would not repent of their wicked ways. I said Lord what about the righteous, He said I have told them to get out, and many did not listen, many of them love their homes and their lifestyle more then Me. They wanted all the comforts just like the world and when I warned them they kept going their simple way, they want to take their wealth with them, but they refuse to give it up for me. Just like Lot and all the children of Israel, all they own will be required of them. They all died and only Lot and his two daughters came out alive, with just the clothes on their backs, this my son, is how it will be for many. Just then I looked at the Angel standing over by the Great Lakes, He pointed over to me, He said you must strike the Great Lakes and tell them to repent, the time is at hand and the time is running out, you must hurry.

I fell down again and wept , I became so weak I just trembled, I heard this voice say my son, I love you, I know your heart, but you must rise up ..Then this hand touched me and stood me up, but I fell back down and wept more, I cried out, Lord God Almighty please save these people. My son stand up, I will be with you, you must warn these people, I wept more and said Lord I am incapable and I am nobody, who am I Lord that you should call upon me. Rise up, very well Lord, I will obey even to the point of death, I love you so much. Just then the Angel I saw at first with the gold band around His waist pointed up in the air. There were four Angels flying down out of heaven, they had their swords extended out in front of them. The first Angel struck the earth and America just quaked, the second struck this huge massive oil/gas tank and fires started up all over the country, the third struck the air and thousands of tornadoes started up all over the country at the same time. There were droughts and floods all over, all the crops were destroyed, and millions of homes were wiped out. The fourth one struck all the government buildings, and the whole economic wealth fell to the ground and burned up, and many politicians fell over and died. I saw the Military get attacked and the Pacific fleet get hit. Then the Angel at the Gulf Coast said to me, come closer, tell the people at the Gulf Coast and Louisiana that it will be ten times worse than Katrina, and then the Angel struck the Gulf Coast and people were being sucked out to sea, everyone that lives there.

As I looked to the East Coast I saw the Angel strike the sea just then twelve eroding hurricanes appeared up and down the East Coast and the coast line dropped off into the Atlantic Ocean from twenty miles to sixty miles inland . The Lord God Almighty said disaster has come upon the whole land. Oh America, you have refused to love the truth, therefore the Lord God Almighty has sent forth a decree of judgment upon you America. For the sins of America has reached the heavens. Woe, Woe, unto you America because you have not repented , I will not hold back my Judgment any longer. This is the hour, the time has come. You America have shed innocent blood and now even now, I have sent my death Angel upon you, I have given my command, Oh Angel of my Judgment go descend upon her, bring upon her all the innocent blood that she has slain. Tell America, I will not turn back my Judgment. Matthew Stephen
www.propheticwatchmanvine.com Moses Papers

台長: Jonah
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