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2006-09-21 21:08:45| 人氣482| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

5-year-old takes off in SUV

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Source: UPI

YPSILANTI, Mich. (UPI) -- A 5-year-old Michigan boy who was mad at his grandmother decided to find his mommy -- driving his grandmother’s SUV.

Police in Ypsilanti realized something was wrong when they got a call from a driver who reported almost being hit by a Cadillac Escalade with what appeared to be a child in the driver’s seat, the Ann Arbor News reported.

In fact, the boy was so short that he had to stand to see over the dashboard.

Dave Egeler, a commander in the Washetaw County Sheriff’s Dept., said the boy appeared to be a fairly capable driver, at least for a few blocks, especially maneuvering the vehicle out of his grandmother’s driveway.

”It’s a tight drive getting out of there, but he apparently had no problems,” Egeler said.

By the time sheriff’s officers arrived, the boy had stopped the SUV. He was pulled out of the driver’s seat and said that he was looking for his mother.

The grandmother has custody of the boy and an infant granddaughter. She said the boy took off while she was distracted by the baby.

Copyright 2006 by United Press International

台長: Cabnolen


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