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2006-06-23 20:27:02| 人氣544| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Florida pup rescued from gator’s jaws

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Source: UPI

CORAL SPRINGS, Fla. (UPI) -- A determined South Florida man managed to save the life of his 6-month-old puppy by wrestling it from the jaws of a 6-foot alligator.

Mike Rubin, 45, was walking Jasmine, a golden retriever, Monday morning in Coral Springs, on the edge of the Everglades when he heard the dog make an unusual sound.

He bolted to catch up with her and told the Miami Herald his first fear of a gator attack was confirmed.

”The gator was flipping her over and killing her,” he said. ”I jumped on top of both of them.”

He said the dog was limp, and he feared she was dead, but he was determined the gator wasn’t going to take the pup.

Punching the reptile on the head did nothing, so he said he finally yanked the dog free.

He and his wife rushed the dog to a veterinary clinic, where it was treated for puncture injuries and bruising, and sent home hours later, the report said.

”Maybe it wasn’t the brightest thing to do,” Rubin said. ”You love your animal, sometimes you do crazy things.”

Copyright 2006 by United Press International

台長: Cabnolen


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