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2008-11-21 09:28:39| 人氣446| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

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  PIC: Ch1- My first sea journey.

  這是功課 所以可以不用看

  不過這次是讀書 然後我們需要寫求救信

  Dear friend

  If you are reading my letter right now,
  I think you are the only person who can help me!

  I am alone on an island of Africa now,
  let me tell you what happened so you can help me.

  In 1659, one day my friends asked me to go Africa with them,
  I agreed, so I went to sea.
  A few hours later there was a big rainstorm,
  for twelve days the wind and the rain did not stop.
  And our ship had a big hole in its sides, suddenly the ship stopped moving,
  I thought I was going to die.
  We used a boat to get off the ship,
  but the sea turned our boat over and we were all in the water,
  I looked around,I couldn't see my friends, I was alone.

  I was lucky,I didn't die, because of the sea, the sea carried me to the shore.
  On this island i tried to make everything i need, and I wrote this letter
  because I am hoping someone can help me.

  If you read this letter, please help me! I need help!

                         -Robinson Crusoe


  我要去把他印出來囉 Bye xD

台長: 辛蒂吳
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