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2006-04-05 23:00:37| 人氣140| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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I am lonely lonely lonely(我很孤單)
I am lonely lonely in my life(我的生活孤孤單單)
I am lonely lonely lonely (我很孤單)
God help me help me to survive! (神啊!幫助我生存下去吧)
Remember first time we met day one(記得記得相遇的那天 one?)
Kids in the garden’ playin’ games heaven’ fun(孩子們在花園快樂的嬉戲)
Excitin’ and aman’ havin’ a real friend of mine(多麼驚訝和開心我有一個真正的朋友)
Feel my heartbeat and for(感覺當我遇到真正朋友時的心跳)
real friend of mine (我真正的朋友)
Face to face and eye to eye(面對面,兩眼相望)
Usin’ our hands to buy and supply (用我們的手去互相支持?)
Chillin’ is cool from january to june (寒冷從一月到六月)
And we still stiked together like the glue (我們仍如膠似漆)
And know the rules(我們知道規則)
Forever you and i and believe(相信你我會直到永遠)
it was clear (這是無疑的)
If i ever should fall(即使我跌倒了)
i could count on you with no fear (因為有你,我不害怕)
Runnin’ out of time i see who’s fake (時光飛逝,我看見到欺騙)
Alone without protection(不受保護的孤獨)
from all them snakes(他們象蛇一樣狡猾)
All for one one for all i was told (我被告知人人為我我為人人)
Black white yellow no matter(黑白黃無關緊要)
if your young or old(只要你來到)
Nana’s in the house to let you know(屋子裏的娜娜會讓你知道)
What i see is how i fell and damn (我對看到的東西感到憂傷)
I’m alone(我是孤獨的)
I am lonely lonely lonely(我很孤單)
I am lonely lonely in my life(我的生活孤孤單單)
I am lonely lonely lonely (我很孤單)
God help me help me to survive! (神啊!幫助我生存下去吧)
Everybody’s tripppin’ on me(所有人使我犯錯)
Oh lord come help me please(神啊!求你救救我吧)
I did some bad things in my life(我做了錯事)
Why can’t you rescue me(為什麼你不來拯救我)
’cause you’ve got all i need (你能給我我所需要的)
I know i got to pay the price (我知道我要付出代價)
Cheppin’ thru the streets at night(在夜裏穿過街道)
after a fuss and fight(在一切慌亂後)
Tears in my eyes (我的眼眶裏有淚珠)
i’m a man lookin’ for the light (我渴望光明)
Dark is the path(前路黑暗?)
i know he will rescue me(我知道他會來拯救我)
The lord is my shepard(上帝是我的?)
i’m cool despite emergency (不管事情多麼緊急,我能保持鎮定)
Whom shall i fear exept the god(除了上帝我該懼怕誰)
Thank you for the blessin’ and the skils on the mic(謝謝你的庇護和給我歌唱的能力)
Five years we know there’s no diggity (五年了,我們知道在那兒沒有自由?)
Free at last see the light in me (自由後光明來臨)
What goes up must come down(從哪里跌到就從哪里站起來)
I’ll be around while you heading towards deathtown(當你朝著?,我會在你的周圍 )
Allways look forward hardlynever look back(總是努力向前看)
So many tears and the snakes on my jock(決不回顧那麼多眼淚和毒蛇)
Now i’m riding in my big fat ride(現在我騎著我肥壯的馬)
Your ass is late so look for the line(你的驢來遲了,所以找其他的)
Nana in the house to let you know (屋子裏的娜娜會讓你知道)
What i see is how i feel so leave me alone(我感覺看見的東西它使我孤獨)
I am lonely lonely lonely(我很孤單)
I am lonely lonely in my life(我的生活孤孤單單)
I am lonely lonely lonely (我很孤單)
God help me help me to survive! (神啊!幫助我生存下去吧)
Knock on my door whom you lookin’ for (敲打我的門你找誰)
A dream or reality enemies at my door(門外是美夢還是敵人)
Eyes i realize(眼睛注視著)
it’s fantasize i must be high (那是夢想我必須定得很高)
So let me live before i die (所以在我死前讓我活著吧)
Once again grab the bottle twist the cap(再一次搶過酒瓶轉動蓋子)
To survive your life(去拯救你的生命)
is yours my life is mine(你我有著各自的生活)
No emotions in this world full of lies(面對這個充滿謊言的世界已經麻木)
Step by step and be versatile (一步一步,方方面面的)
Love peace and cash(愛、和平和毀滅)
that’s what is’s all about(那就是全部)
Alone by yourself than you(比你自己更孤獨)
lack there’s no doubt about (毫無疑問)
I’m always into something(我總是進入到某些東西中)
making moves to improve(我可以證明給你看)
What would you do if you were in my shoes(如果你處在我的位置)
Boom a letter oops another suicide(你會因此而發狂)
Meet me for a ride at the boulevard(你騎著馬和我在林蔭道相遇)
Nana’s in the house to let you know(屋子裏的娜娜會讓你知道)
What i see is how i feel and damn(我對看到的東西感到憂傷)


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