This site has been established for a month. Suddenly it's already a month old. Time goes by so quickly.
Just a few days ago, here had a serious arguement, but just ignited by a simple question, "who is going to clean the house this week?" I don't want to mention it again coz it's not worth to say anything on that bitch again. Fuck it.
During this month, I have finished 3 assignments and 2 modules. For the coming days, I will face a serious tight schedule i have ever had here. But, i treat this as a motivation more than a pressure. I have been fucked up myself for a long time since i was here. I totally lost what i supposed to do. Luckily i didn't send this site to my sisters, otherwise i don't have to go home.
This site let me have a easy way to share what i feel to all of my friends. Also as I now go to school from 9 to 7 everyday. I don't have time to talk to all the fds in HK daily. So i really hope u all can leave some msgs here to let me know what's going on. And that's the aim i register this web.
So, anyway....i will cu guys in HK a month later. Again, pls prepare all the activities for me when i come back. I AM SERIOUS, @_@
Thx all ppl support this site for a month long, especially Anorld. (by the way, did u ask ar Mac about our plan?)