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2004-05-06 10:02:59


我記得三年前我仲响21313讀書 (yr2), 我開始睇o果啲英文商業書...."如何成為領袖", "完美人際关係", "如何決策", "如何令公司更成功", "CEO"仲有好多关於電子商業, 全球大企業, FORTUNE, 啲書.當你經常接觸呢啲資訊,...

2004-05-04 21:50:07

ICQ 的info

大家仲有冇寫icq info 的興趣? 我已經冇喇...其實唔知大家有冇發現....當你個icq list啲人大過廿二三歲,佢哋啲info大多數都會空白...可能係大家已經用咗icq好多年...有時會發覺自己都咁上吓年紀...

2004-05-02 17:44:09


以下係節錄於我同一個好朋友的對話....(有啲無聊) 今天開始打中文 (10:17 AM) : 師傅 今天開始打中文 (10:18 AM) : 冇你都冇今日的徒弟 阿寶.寶. (10:19 AM) : 我好似冇你講得咁髒 今天開始打中文...

2004-05-02 03:03:46

今天開始要轉channel 啦

由今天開始, 呢喥啲文章會用中文嚟打... 望大家支持!!!

2004-05-02 00:08:42


呢幾日啲夢有啲奇怪... 有時係Tomb Raider 式探險, 有時係回到中學式懷舊, 有時係無聊的不知名的夢... 究竟出咗什麼問題? 可能呢排無所事事.....令到思想有啲空白...... (今次呢則文章全用中文來完成, 多...

2004-05-01 08:45:24

first week.......after hk trip

第一個星期....has past... in the first few days....i got a serious sickness....fever, cold, sore throat....no one to care ....i hvn't been to this situation b4... that feeling ...極度lonely... ...

2004-05-01 07:25:00

first week in england .....again

第一個星期....has past... in the first few days....i got a serious sickness....fever, cold, sore throat....no one to care ....i hvn't been to this situation b4... that feeling ...極度lonely... ...

2004-05-01 07:22:00


第一個星期....has past... in the first few days....i got a serious sickness....fever, cold, sore throat....no one to care ....i hvn't been to this situation b4... that feeling ...極度lonely... ...

2004-04-27 02:03:35


i hv gone back to UK....also brought with a serious illness cough, sore throat, cold, fever......luckily it's not SARS....otherwise i have to be isolated in HK or in UK..... nth changed here.......

2004-04-22 01:54:12

HK tour 04

At first ......i planned to do many things before i arrived....what i got now is.........nth.... anyway....this short trip let me realized something...and ascertained something..... i didn't wor...

2004-04-19 03:34:28

3rd Week

this is the 3rd week in HK....it's also the last week of the trip.... i still have many friends i hvn't met.......asshole, tim, ku, joey, claudia, yvonne, flora, orchestra's friends, my violin teac...

2004-04-14 02:10:33

1 Week in HK

It's already a week I have stayed in HK before i arrived, i expected this trip should be very exciting and shopping all the time...... but...in fact.....really so surprised that i feel very calm...

2004-04-07 11:35:19


i just arrived yesterday.... the weather is not so good here....cloudy and high humid....a little bit uncomfortable ......last nite i dreamed about the sunny weather in UK...wow....dry and warm.......

2004-04-05 11:11:03

Wow......on the plane la

so excited ..... i hv packed all the things...... 7am will take the bus fro coventry to heathrow airport...... 9am arrive at the airport....... 1pm take off.........Cool......!!!!!! Fam...

2004-04-04 11:28:48

Group A 的同學

it's very lucky to get into group A chinese alssmates are really 好客......that's why we can always hv dinner, party, and other activities.....tonite we had another dinner...coz one of the classmat...

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