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2007-07-27 00:10:48| 人氣99| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Today is not my day.

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We had set up the area that going to hold the "Cold Spring Festival" this weekend.The weather is sunny but a little windy! I heard that this is the first time hold by the person who in charge of this Festival. He is younger than me, but his ability that I really have to learn.After finished the preparation we all back to the office had rest with A/C. It’s so comfortable and makes me feel sleepy. I thought the day would just passed in safety. I was wrong, I wend to my mother’s restaurant to helped her. Then, I was cutting vegetable and my parents were talking to me. In the meantime,I cut my half nail and a little finger. It’s hurt and bleeding, but it was lucky that not my whole finger. I was bleeding a lot, and feel sleepy. No, I can’t, I can’t sleep right now. It’s dangerous in this situation. Perhapes I will just sleep and won’t wake anymore. No, I have to keep awake on the snowing mountain, the rescue will be here soon...??????? Snowing mountain? Sorry my brain was in a turmoil. HaHaHa...forget it! I think I better ask 40 Wang where to do the man-made nail tomorrow. That would be more useful. hehehehe.

台長: 紅烏龜
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