I saw a girl kinda elegant today in the bookstore...
anyawy..maybe she perceived I was kinda dogging her
and walked into a cafe first...later on..she disappeared driving her scooter away..
I didn't really have a chance to see her face but
from the way she walked and dressed up, she had something that attracted me
I took one of my best friends' advice trying to create a better and open communcation
between me and my parents..
last night,it proved wrong...they wouldn't listen to me as they were stilll down to earth and
traditional........my stupid brother saying....he backed the idea
NO barbecue on Moon festival....come on..we were having the barbecue to cherish this chance of
gathering together with the whole family and he was saying he backed the idea of no barbecue
No one would listen to me trying to affect something...I gave up..I even quickly said
I won't regret as I had said it..if you really want any better communication,it's OK.
my parents just said hey....you just ignored that..that's no big deal.......my dad was so silent...
I don't think he didn't get affected by my bro's silly words
Finally I realized this is life..don't try to change people's thoughts too much or have a so-called
better communication..ignoring the problem is always the way or the silence works too
I guess I 'd choose silence..as my mom said I was way too talkative
I know she was nice..however..
anyway..I might be consided lucky after my hair styliest told me
her divorce and family store today....and this is life? yeah...this does happen
should I start to be jealous of someone's family ?
those silly days are totally gone? those silly days make me who I am today
all I can do is get ready for a better change.......lack of knowledge caused me who I am
but now I am doing my best to change
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