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2007-11-01 01:09:50


Something I must write down.. 父親是個職業軍人 從小 應該是每個月 都有小卡車 開來我家前面 ”領米喔” 這時我媽就會去領米 鹽 油 當然 我媽 姐 哥都有軍人眷屬的彩色身分證 可憑軍眷身分...

2007-10-31 00:39:02

當朋友的話 可以當一輩子?

妳說 當朋友的話 可以當一輩子 喔? I have not heard from you for a while...

2007-10-25 23:06:40

One more person

現代社會 有兩名詞 蠻常見 憂鬱症 躁鬱症 或強迫症 以前 30-40年前 或許人們較不清楚這類情形 或許我也有 這類傾向 ha but...I am always under self-control coz I know life always goes on 今...

2007-10-12 21:02:29

Gosh...when can I get out of this small hell"

千錯萬錯 就是錯在沒馬子? 我媽 一天倒晚 唸我頭髮 衣著不穩重 說啥我又不是演藝圈ㄉ 我爸退休後也加入幫忙唸我 念這事好幾年ㄌ至少3年 總說  你就是打扮這樣 女生覺你太不穩重 唉 總...

2007-10-12 20:01:15

30歲 的一堆鳥事 不搬出去的後果

XXX 30歲住在家裡就是偶爾遇到一些家務鳥事 哥 姐都結婚去了 當然都也搬出去住 而且還剛好買房子在隔壁 離我們現在家只要10-15分鐘車程的地方 他們絕對無法理解我們這些30歲還住家裡人的幹 我姐...

2007-10-05 23:43:32


I was there. Arrived to check it out.

2007-10-05 23:37:47


I was behind the crowd How do you feel as you see this sight?

2007-10-05 23:27:26

First one I met in Japan who spoke good English

Busy subway in Japan That gal taking my photo spoke good English. First one I met in Japan who spoke good English. Later her boyfriend showed up.... = =

2007-10-05 23:24:19
2007-10-05 23:20:02

One year ago

One year ago On Dec 31. We walked a lot, crowded

2007-10-05 23:18:19

大坑圓環那 吃芋頭冰

那天 開著車 兜一兜 跟Eric Huang 去大坑圓環那 吃芋頭冰 那生意越來越好 許多感覺 或許只能有一次

2007-10-05 23:12:57


Some say this photo looks cool and good? I was a bit dizzy and sleepy

2007-10-05 23:09:17


I went to Japan my self??? You can assume so.

2007-10-05 23:07:19
2007-10-05 22:55:14


Oh....sh......i.. Most foreigners are similar. Their personalities...= = bad... Always want me to call back? Who is asking for assistance and I always need to call them back? The call t...

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