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2002-10-15 00:32:42


文明病 所謂的憂鬱症 認識的人中 就有曾經因它而服藥 也許是 周遭的資訊太充沛嗎?  懂得越多 對 average poeple 真的是好嗎? Family , educational or environmental background make them get ...

2002-10-12 00:52:46


衝破是甚麼感覺 60公尺夠了吧 衝破 衝破 衝破 奮力一衝 Bang!

2002-10-11 23:18:18


I just like her songs and the way she is

2002-10-11 00:11:55


A tight hug at midnight that soothes the desolation transiently Who offers that hug?

2002-10-10 23:39:24


要看煙火?? 不如在這看 http://www.hcn.zaq.ne.jp/ryo01/hanabi/jhanabi.htm 中港路上 交通大亂 機車在汽車道上 汽車在機車道上 怎樣??厭倦你的車道了嗎? 好吧~就交換車道吧! 在所謂的"最佳煙火觀賞...

2002-10-07 23:35:22


It could horrify and threaten him It could swell up his eyes, deforming his features, blocking his eyesight It could fasten and fluctuate his heartbeat It could bar his breathing, forcing ...

2002-10-06 02:28:22


時間: 2002/10/10 晚上6:30~9:00 左右 地點: 中港路上某個校園或一角 人員: 吉他手 人數: 暫定一人 活動內容:欣賞煙火 彈吉他 聽音樂 器材: 吉他一把 隨身聽 錄音帶 焦糖瑪琪朶咖啡 或...

2002-09-30 23:41:00


被別人問說" 你是台灣人嗎?" 這個問題我已被問過蠻多次了 有人說"你是ABC嗎? 嘿嘿..好像是因覺得我英文還不錯的樣子~ 有人說"你是香港人嗎? ㄚ??Hong Kong? @_@ 我不會說廣東話ㄟ....只會說"打嘎好" ...

2002-09-29 23:50:06


鈕 一個按鈕 一個可停止一切的按鈕 沒有眨眼,閉眼 若有選擇 誰會去按下這個鈕?

2002-09-25 12:37:47


She is not an angel without her snowy wings.. He is torn and falls prostrate on the floor from a mortal punch from losting something most valuable It coulbe a death sentence.

2002-09-16 02:08:12

他的心 是個鎖 那鑰匙 已遺落 她和他 與他擦身而過 在眼中 他只是個觀眾 紅藍黃紅 黑灰白綠 佔滿他呼吸的隙縫 紅藍黃紅 黑灰白綠 加速想減緩的節奏 張開手 用力嘶吼 想逃脫 終究...

2002-09-13 09:55:09


"其實..學吉他不難啦" "有機會我教妳吧!" 你剛才有唱"擁抱"喔... 我超喜歡那首歌的...喔?是嗎? 我倒也蠻喜歡這首的..... 耶?妳沒回家ㄚ? 是週末耶....喔... 我不常回家...也許我爸媽都快以為我失蹤...

2002-09-12 00:09:11


叮咚~ 歡迎光臨~ "總共90元~ 收您一百~ 要不要袋子? 不用謝謝"~(店裡撥放...這是我的溫柔...溫柔.....走在風中..今天陽光突然好溫柔) 買了飲料及喉糖......騎車到這個校園 一直想來這彈彈吉他.... 之...

2002-09-06 00:17:51


Music ,intermittently, numbs my mind at the depth of serene night with its mighty charm and thuderous sound challenging my ears' endurance... Why do I muse like a hermit? Simplicity streamline...

2002-08-19 23:31:17


Intuitively...I paused reading the autobiography on the Korean denatured singer and said" HI"...without any tinge of wonder^^" Unbeleivably...We two just hung out last night...and..met here again...

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