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2004-02-29 13:00:21| 人氣129| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Two Less Lonely People In The World

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I was down my dreams were wearing thin
When you’re lost where do you begin
My heart always seemed to drift from day to day
Looking for the love that never came my way

Then you smiled and I reached out to you
I could tell you were lonely too
One look and then it all began for you and me
The moment that we touched I knew that there would be

Two less lonely people in the world
And it’s gonna be fine
Out of all the people in the world
I just can’t believe you’re mine
In my life where everything was wrong
Something finally went right
Now there’s two less lonely people
In the world tonight

Just to think what I might have missed
Looking back how did I exist
I dreamed, still I never thought I’d come this far
But miracles come true, I know ’cause here we are

Tonight I fell in love with you
And all the things I never knew
Seemed to come to me somehow
Baby, love is here and now there’s

台長: 鍾意肥人的傻四
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