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Yeah, uhuh, la da da da da
耶 . 嗯哼, 拉 答 答 答 答

Hey, baby my nose is getting big
嘿,寶貝 我的 鼻子變長了
I noticed it be growing when I been telling them fibs
我注意到它變長 當我 跟說小謊
now you say your trust’s gettin weaker
probably coz my lies just started gettin deeper
and the reason for my confession is that I learn my lesson
and I really think you have to know the truuth
because I lied and I cheated and I lied a little more
因為我說過謊 我造謊 我說了不少謊
but after I did it I don’t know what I did it for
但在我說謊之後 我不知道我為了什麼而說謊
I admit that I have been a little immature
我承認 我變得有點不成熟
*****ing with your heart like I was the pre-dit-tor
in my book of lies I was the editor
在我的謊言簿裡 我是編輯
and the author
I forged my signature

and now I apologise for what I did to ya
現在我 對於我所做的一切道歉
cos what you did to me I did to you
因為你怎麼對我 我怎麼對你

Nononono baby, nononono don’t lie
不不不不 寶貝,不不不不 不要說謊
nononono, yeah you kno kno kno know you gotta try
不不不不,耶 你 知 知 知 知道 你必須嘗試
what you gonna do when it all comes out
when I see you & what you’re all about
當我看著你 & 您的所有到底是什麼

nonono babe, nononono don’t lie
不不不不 寶貝,不不不不 不要說謊
yeah you kno kno kno know you gotta try
不不不不,耶 你 知 知 知 知道 你必須嘗試
She said I’m leaving
她說著 我要離開了
Cos she can’t take the pain
it’s hard to continue this love it ain’t the same
很難去維繫這份愛 這不一樣
can’t forget the things that i’ve done inside her brain
too many lies committed too many games
太多謊話 犯了太多次錯誤的遊戲
she feeling like a fool getting on the last train
她覺得自己像傻瓜 搭上了最後一班火車
tryin to maintain but the feeling won’t change
試著去堅強 但感覺還是一樣不變
I’m sorry for the things that I’ve done and what I became
我對此事感到遺憾 對我所做的和我變成那樣的人
caught up in living my life in the fast lane
Blinded by lights, cameras, you know the fame
被光亮所矇蔽, 照相機, 您知道名望的滋味
I don’t know the reason why I did these things

and I lie and I lie
然後我說謊 然後我說謊
and I lie and I lie
然後我說謊 然後我說謊

and now our emotions are drained
cos I lie and I lie and a little lie lie
因為我說謊 我一而在再而三的說了不少謊
and now your emotions are drained

Nononono babe, nononono don’t lie
不不不不 寶貝,不不不不 不要說謊
nononono, yeah you kno kno kno know you gotta try
不不不不,耶 你 知 知 知 知道 你必須嘗試
what you gonna do when it all comes out
when I see you & what you’re all about
當我看著你 & 您的所有到底是什麼

nonono babe, nononono don’t lie
不不不不 寶貝,不不不不 不要說謊
because you kno kno kno know you gotta try
不不不不,耶 你 知 知 知 知道 你必須嘗試

ooh ooh ooh ooh, ooh ooh ooh
噢 噢 噢 噢 ,噢 噢 噢
ba da ba da ba da ba da badabada
巴答 巴答 巴 答 巴 答 巴答巴答

Yo, I’m lieing to my girl
even tho I love her
and she all in my world
I give her all my atention and diamonds & pearls
我給予她我的全部 鑽石 & 珍珠
she’s the one who makes me feel on top of the world
still I lie to my girl, I do it

and I lie and I lie and I lie til there’s no turning back
我說謊 我一而在再而三的說了謊直到沒人回頭
I don’t know why,[and I lie and I lie til I don’t know who I am

台長:  羅大爺
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