by 北美野馬 2014/02/17
這篇說如果我們選對象的條件, 有三項, 而且還是中等的條件:
如 ~ 中等的身高, 中等的收入, 中等的外貌,
從每一百個可選的男人裏(應該是指單身的), 會有13個追求者.
如果挑選條件提升到 183cm, 年薪US$87,000, 英俊, 就會只剩一個追求者.
Imagine you have a room of 100 men. If you choose mediocrity — the trifecta of average income, looks and height — you’ll have, statistically, only 13 suitors out of 100 to choose from. Increase your criteria to an attractive man at least 6-feet tall who makes $87,000, and you’re left with only one.
而倘若再多加一項條件, 如幽默, 慈祥, 甚至政治偏好,
那從100人裏會找不出來. (要擴大樣本範圍)
這一段也讓我省思: 與其列出我們對理想配偶必有的條件, 為何不反向操作? 找出不能忍受的條件?
Dating should be “about learning to weed out the undesirable traits and rethinking our views about what really matters in a romantic partner.”
沒錢萬萬不能, 但錢不是萬能的.低收入的家庭會為錢而起爭執. 超越家庭年收入US$75,000錢的因素會降低.
In addition, money does not a happy marriage make — at least over a certain point. Money makes a difference on the low end of the income scale (which has the highest divorce rates in the first 10 years of marriage), but there seem to be “diminishing returns” on happiness in marriage above a financially stable $75,000 a year.
It seems smartest, then, to focus on finding someone who can “help you create a household where basic needs are met and there is a low probability of experiencing economic hardship.”
這句話, 說明的一切!兩人各有夢想的, 但實現夢想的地點若不在同一都市, 一難.
基本的功能 ~
做老公, 做老婆的工作, 而且只有老公,老婆能做的要做到.
比如說 心靈夥伴, 紅粉知己, 青山之交, 這些工作不見得要誰來做,
但你和誰做愛最滿足, 雙方都滿足, 那才是你該考慮結婚的對象.
現實考量 ~
當然不要結個婚, 結果背負巨債, 或一直不斷的有任何一方
偶而出手相助當然可以, 但無底洞沒人填得滿.
所以維持充滿愛情的關係是什麼? 原來是要「好好先生」啊?
So what is the best personality indicator for sustaining a loving relationship? The answer is . . . drum roll, please . . . agreeableness, a. k. a. “the nice guy.”
只可惜, 好好先生不會是很多人的第一優先選擇.愛, 還是需要一點慾望的!
...that the most physically attractive men were least satisfied with their marriages.
因為, 婚姻變成他們的束縛.
不, 爽的點不僅在和女人上床這件事,
願意聽他的話, 做他交代的事,
這就是權力, 而權力非常令人陶醉!
當然因人而異, 絕對不是每個男人會貪戀此權力.
就像吸毒一樣吧. 沒吸過的正常人當然不知道.
他當然沒吸過此毒, 他只喝淡茶呢!