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2007-05-19 02:28:10| 人氣58| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

In The End 結果到頭來

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In The End 結果到頭來

It starts with one thing 這檔事是這樣開始的
I don’t know why 雖然不是很了
It doesn’t even matter how hard you try 就算使出吃奶的力氣也沒啥鳥用
keep that in mind 搞清楚!
I designed this rhyme 是我先唱出這樣的調調
To explain in due time 正好讓妳知道
All I know 我知道的一切
Time is a valuable thing 時間比錢還珍貴
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings 眼睜睜看它像鐘擺一樣晃過
Watch it count down to the end of the day 眼睜睜看它倒數直到末日
The clock ticks life away 滴答滴答生命慢慢不見
It’s so unreal 真他媽的太假
Didn’t look out below 誰敢低著頭
Watch the time go right out the window 只能眼睜睜看時間衝出窗外
Trying to hold on, to didn’t even know 抓抓看卻感覺不到
Wasted it all just to watch you go 浪費時間 只想看妳離開
I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart 憋了很久不說 就算我費盡心力 也無法挽回破碎的可能
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when 頂多成為我記憶中的一部份
I tried so hard 我已經盡力
And got so far 全部撩下去
But in the end 結果到頭來
It doesn’t even matter 幹他的無所謂
I had to fall 掉進妳的無底洞
To lose it all 我失去一切
But in the end 結果到頭來
It doesn’t even matter 幹他的無所謂
One thing, I don’t know why 雖然不是很了
It doesn’t even matter how hard you try 就算使出吃奶的力氣也沒啥鳥用
keep that in mind 搞清楚!
I designed this rhyme, to remind myself how 是我先唱出這樣的調調 提醒我自己
I tried so hard 花費了多少心力
In spite of the way you were mocking me 儘管妳只是嘲笑我
Acting like I was part of your property 好像我是妳養的一條狗
Remembering all the times you fought with me 想起妳我爭吵的日子
I’m surprised it got so (far) 訝異事情已到無法收拾的地步
Things aren’t the way they were before 所有一切都變了
You wouldn’t even recognize me anymore 妳也認不出原來的我
Not that you knew me back then 因為妳無法認出原來的自我
But it all comes back to me (in the end) 我決定回歸自我(結果到頭來)
You kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart 憋了很久不說 就算我費盡心力 也無法挽回破碎的可能
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I 頂多成為我記憶中的一部分
I tried so hard 我已經盡力
And got so far 全部撩下去
But in the end 結果到頭來
It doesn’t even matter 幹他的無所謂
I had to fall 掉進妳的無底洞
To lose it all 我失去一切
But in the end 結果到頭來
It doesn’t even matter 幹他的無所謂
I’ve put my trust in you 我這麼相信你
Pushed as far as I can go 卯足全力相信妳
And for all this 對於這一切
There’s only one thing you should know (2x) 妳只要記住一件事

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