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2007-11-11 07:21:16| 人氣120| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Rememberance Day

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On ramemberance day, it makes me think about how hard it must be to lose ones you love and care about. how tragic is that bieng seperated and might never meet again at all. this feeling is just like your heart being put into hot boiling water until it shrunk into a little walnut size. its like someone has just took your heart away after you’ve had a open heart surgury, and being tokd you could never walk or think or even feel the tragic and tenderness of life. its like a mother having to give up her yetborn baby. at least thats what i felt. i felt like i had to do something, anything, just to forget the emptyness inside my selffunctioning heart. my mind had turned into mush, my stomatch is now acidtating itself from the tiny bits of breakfast i had theis morning,my knees are wobbly like jello and my hands are shaking with uncirten. how odd, i never felt this way, is it pitty, or is it guilt? this weird feeling bubbling inside me is slowly overpowering my mental and physical mind. how can i stop it, or should just ignore the fact that im losing my self and let it take over? this is killing me...

台長: 蟲蟲韡文
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