有時候看著看著 眼淚就會不自覺的留下來
地震時~ 將女兒抱著 自己成跪姿狀 手扶在地板上把女兒保護的好好的
救難隊發現的時候 母親已經沒有氣息~
"我的寶貝阿~如果你還活著 一定要記住我愛你"
真的是天下父母心~ 我們做子女的~父母的恩情 真的是報也報不完
每個孩子都是父母心裡的一塊肉 緊緊的粘著
很希望大家能夠投入救災 也許不能做到有力出力 但也請做到有錢出錢
我已經再第一時間捐出一千多~ 感覺很微薄~
可是 現在還是學生的我 至少有盡到我的力量
我也會盡快在捐出美金五十元~ 是我再美國一日打工的薪水
希望這點微薄的力量 能凝聚成更龐大的 近而幫助那些受災戶
請到這邊來千個名 或是寫一些祈願的話
凝聚這樣的力量~ 希望能傳到受災戶那邊~
English version
the devastating earthquake that happened few days ago in China really was a disaster.
children are frightening and family had lost everything.
You can find lots of breakups and deaths from the news everyday these days.
most of the times you’d find those great parents tried their best to protect their child during the earthquake.
i’ve found several these days and they were all very touching.
today, i’d like to share one of them with you guys because it made me cried.
theres a great mother trying to protect her baby by using the body herself.
among the debris after the devastating earthquake, the salvationist found this very touching human behaviour.
the great mother was protecting her baby with crawling figures(her body was curved when found)
and surprisingly the few months born baby underneath was sleeping tight.
the salvatoinist found the text message from the cell phone right by the baby said ”my dearest baby, if you are still alive, please remember that i love you.”
all parents are alike. the debt of gratitude from our parents is something that we can never give it back enough.
every child has taken part of the parents heart when they were born.
i don’t know how to explain, but i feel like everything in life is random.
it comes and it goes.
this disaster broke up lots of loving families
please come help them
perhaps we can not give much physically, but mentally and spiritually~ please everyone, come and support them.
i’ve donated a thousand taiwanese dollar, i know it’s not much, but as i am just a student, i did my best.
soon i will donated 50 US dollar to world vision~.
it definitly will become a huge help to them if everyone gives little by little because little thing can become a huge thing!
and at last, i hope everyone can come and leave a little message~you can pray for them or anything!
Dear Heavenly father,
we all know that there’s a time for all things, a time to be born and a time to die, still breakups and deaths are shattering to anyone.
i hope that you can help them, give faith to those salvationist and those who are still waiting for help. give them hope, let them know that the light tomorrow is always there.
let them calm down, save their energy. please be with them all the time. we know that you love us so much and you don’t want us to suffer anything. you will help them through this, please take the pain from them.
thank you. we say this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
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