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回應青緣2 (含HP7劇情,慎入)

其實這本書雖然好看(尤是後面那最後大戰最為精彩), 但也實在遺留了太多的問題和疑團沒有解釋(尤是一些預告了的劇情卻沒有出現) ... 令得一眾讀者感到仍有些不完全的地方 ... 唯有大家不停為這一些沒有答案(除非 JKR 出來解答)的問題不停猜測討論.

網上有人列出了部份問題 ... 我手痕答了些 ... 雖然我有些答案是惡搞(哈哈), 不過當中也有些是我自己的想法的(抱歉我沒有時間譯回中文) ... 我想這些問題也是每一個讀者心目中也想著 ... 而大家也會有自己的見解 ... 故此歡迎大家討論來找答案

Warning - 以下內容含劇情:

- Who was supposed to develop magical abilities late in life???
that is my number 1 question as well! I was so looking forward to know who is it
I listened to Mugglecast 101, they reckon it could be Neville ... as Neville has never been very bright on magic before but now he certainly has the ability, even become a leader of DA.
I would love to hear if it is refering to Petunia, but the evidence is not too strong. I almost thought it could be Dudley, esp the bit he thanks Harry came in a suprise (that was nice)

- What happened to the Dursleys?
Make sure their house insurance cover ”damage due to magical power”

- What about Harry’s mental note to ask Hermione about healing wounds? I thought that would be failry significant later on after the specific mention in the beginning.
Hermione doesn’t know as well ... I mean when Ron was hurt when they escaped from the Minstry, she used a potion to heal him and I think she said something like ”the healing charm is too advance and I am not dare to use it so I just brew some potion”

- What about The Malfoys (other than seeing Draco married in the end with kid(s)??? Who did Draco Marry? Pansy?
who knows. But if Draco did really turn out to be the good side ( ! ), but Pansy still remained a bitch (how she want to hand Harry overt to voldermort in the Great Hall) ... then maybe not.

- What careers did they all end up with?
Harry always wants to be an Auror ... but do they still need Auror during peace time?
Wonder if Hermonie end up in the Dept of Magical Law in Minstry hahaha (refering she know the law on Dumlberdore’s will part). But Hermonie is such a rule breaker now, so maybe not.

And interesting that Ron took a muggle driving test ... is he doing something that require to spend a lot of time in the muggle world? Doing what his father always want to do?
貝爾:榮恩會不會入贅了妙麗家? XD

Another questions is ... do they go back to Hogwarts to finish their 7th year and the NEWT exam? In theory they need to do the proper qualification before they can do any decent job!
貝爾:試總是要考的,除非像雙生兒那樣自己開店……雙生兒……Fred……唉~ !

- What happened to Luna?
Become the co-editor of Quibbler magazine

- Whose the new headmaster, or DADA teacher?
Mugglecast reckon McGonagall would be the headmistress. DADA ... who knows.
Actually I am quite suprise that Slughorn still stay to teach in Hogwarts in the 7th book. Maybe coz I am so used to any new teacher character introudce will be gone by the end of the each book, so I almost forgot him hahaha
那個「新來的老師都做不長」好像是針對「黑魔法防禦術」吧,這職位簡直是被詛咒了,年年換人! XD

- How did Dumbledore KNOW what happened at Godric’s Hollow on the night Voldemorte killed Harry’s parents and tried to kill him if NO-ONE else was there?
Dumbledore know it all. Don’t ask.
就像只有他知道榮恩會需要到Deluminator一樣。 :p

- The resurrection stone: shouldn’t it be quite significant in the future if it was just dropped in the grass somewhere???
Please refer to ”Albus Severus Potter and the Resurrenction Stone”

- What happens to Kreacher and #12 Grimmauld place?
I believe Harry will live in Grimmauld Place, unless he buy a new property. But don’t think the money in his bank is enough for him to do so (at least judging by the amount money he got, he couldn’t just spend it on Fireblot back in book 3), and Harry doesn’t seems good at investment . He may live somewhere else, if James and Albus Potter going to share a same room.
Kreacher will serve Harry sandwich everyday, and hopefully his cooking skill has improve a lot more (compare to the chapters where they hiding in Grimmauld place) Afterall Harry do need a house elf as obviously he never does housework (JKR mention his room is always messy), and he has 3 kids and sure Ginny is not the kind of girl who just stay at home and be a housewife.
貝爾:哈哈~ 哈利的身家應該很豐厚的,後來天狼星的也遺產也由他繼承了吧?不過古靈閣有段時間很混亂,不知道他的兩個金庫是否安然無恙。

- Holy Crap! What about the stinking Veil??? The voices? The Love room int he department of mysteries?
Dunno. But at least we now know Sirius is definately dead.

- What about all the Punk Slytherins? Did any of them fight for the good side?
Not that I am aware of. But I believe there should be some ...

台長: 貝爾
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以上很多問題都在之後的訪問中解答了 ... 最令人無言的就是誰是&quotdisplay magic later in life&quot那問題 ... JKR 簡單地答: I changed my mind! 無此人!

作者真的大晒 ...
2007-08-04 13:45:23
所以那麼多人「恨」做作家。 XD
2007-08-04 21:49:46
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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