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2008-02-04 12:36:21| 人氣157| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Ordinary world

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[Katharine Mcphee]*
The sun can’t remember how to shine
And the colors all have faded into shades of gray
There’s no life in this hollow heart of mine
Ever since you went away

Close your eyes and feel me hold you
Can you lead me through this ordinary world
Let the sky cry restless rain
To wash away the miles between us
’Cause without you, it’s just an ordinary world

If time could find a way to turn around
I would walk along the stars ’til I was back at your door
Every word, every word was spoken but without a sound
And I found out what my heart is for

Close your eyes and feel me hold you
Can you lead me through this ordinary world
Let the sky cry restless rain
To wash away the miles between us
’Cause without you, it’s just an ordinary world

Hold your breath, here I come
Down the road unwinding
Back, to your arms
’Til we melt
Underneath the blinding sun
Can’t remember how to shine
And the life in this hollow heart of mine

Close your eyes and feel me hold you
Can you lead me through, through this ordinary world
Let the sky cry restless rain
To wash away the miles between us
’Til love can come redeem us
’Cause without you, it’s just an ordinary world

台長: sky*elle
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