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2006-04-21 21:48:39

為傷苦惱~唯有" "能救我

今天因為有體育課!! 所以我為了不讓傷勢影響我... 就帶了很多預防傷害的護具... 第4節一下課我就拿球跑ㄑ球場!! 竟然混多人!! 結果我還是靠"學長"ㄉ身份搶到一咕球場= = 要不然怎麼跟翎打勒-...

2006-04-18 22:30:16


4/13 今天還是上線了... 除了把剩下ㄉ事打上報台之外... 就是和貞貞和班班說掰掰... 我今天知道了...貞和班也覺得我很過份... 我還是很難過... 不過今天至少知道... 她現在很幸福~哈...

2006-04-16 22:22:32


統測是怎樣阿... 好像我ㄉ一生都被它束縛一樣!! 它讓我生活痛苦!! 更讓我心煩!! 因為它讓我除ㄌ讀書做什麼事都不行!! 看電視時~ 媽*2一直在旁邊講同樣ㄉ話一直念!! 來上網時~ 媽*2又一直...

2006-04-16 16:53:53


2005/2/6 哇!!今天就要回台南爺爺家過年了耶!! 或許今天可以和昌澧和雯雯相處更久~ 好期待喔^^* 到了爺爺家一出電梯就看到雯雯從爺家裡衝出去不知道在做蝦米ˇˇ” 後來也和昌澧見面了~我們都很...

2006-04-15 23:28:48


如題... 不管是誰... 要看到我在線上... 再等我2年吧... 別太想我嘿...

2006-04-13 22:31:22


4/9 今天... 早上和同學ㄑ圖書館... 不到9點就到惹... 可是裡面卻早已有很多人來佔位子... 所以我看到沒幾ㄍ人在位子上就有東西放在上面ㄌ... (鴨霸) 然後我們看到一ㄍ位子剛好我們2ㄍ人...

2006-04-09 20:07:31


姓名:小小野獸(熟人再問我) 生日:11/13 年齡:15= =+ 星座:天蠍 身高:173cm 理想身高:192cm 體重:65kg 理想體重:92kg 興趣:打籃球 位子:雙能衛.小前鋒 紀錄:連續...

2006-04-09 17:31:01

Does not hesitate all

In order to like the person sacrifices all... all is worth...

2006-04-09 15:29:36

Ultra stick article

突然想起 音符 譜出戀愛時的弦律 如此 熟悉 離開了妳 笑容 已成相框中的回憶 失去 才懂得珍惜 至今 還未跟妳說聲 對不起

2006-04-09 15:02:37

Foot super pain...

Now my foot... continuously pulled out the pain......

2006-04-09 12:51:58

Filled the basket to be injured

Today early morning 7 o’clock... I have gotten out of bed... because I must go to the library at 9 o’clock times... and the schoolmate same place... arrives there... discovery also to have the vac...

2006-04-09 07:50:52


Many thanks for your warm-hearted comments, support and encouragement Whether your comments are positive or negative. However, I would like to hear from you. Every suggestion you left me will be a...

2006-04-09 07:45:17

Believe in Yourself

The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself. Nowadays, people are completely weighed down by the stress of life. Lots of negative reports were appeared in public. Those who don’t know h...

2006-04-08 22:29:20

The belly is strange...

Today goes to the library time.. Only then read 50 minutes books.. The belly starts the pain to get up.. Also does not dare to in the library restroom the large size.. Has to run away to th...

2006-04-08 17:11:49


If there were no words no way to speak I would still hear you If there were no tears no way to feel inside I’d still feel for you and even if the sun refused to shine even if romance ran ou...

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