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2006-04-06 21:15:36| 人氣953| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Food in Florida

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We have been here for 3 days. Most of the time, we just stay in my friend's house due to the jetlag. We take long nap almost everyday.
I am not quite used to the food here. My friend doesn't eat rice at all. And the food either in the Chinese resturant or Japanese one is too salty for me. Fortunately, I brought the electronic cooker and some rice with me.I tried to cook some pork and corn soup. The American pork smells aweful. But to have some hot soup is good enough for us. And I fried salmon. It's quite fresh and delicious. It tastes better than I had in Taipei. The last dish is fried carribage. It's just like what we have normally in Taipei. We enjoyed the dinner very much after 3 days western food.
We are going to Orlando tomorrow morning again. Besides seeing Dr.Ni, we are going to visit the Universal Studio,Space center, Walt Disney world as well.
There is no diahhrea anymore today. But to have medicine before meal still upsets my stomach and makes me lose my appetite. I will call Dr. Ni to see what he can do about my stomach.

台長: 法米's H&S
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That kinds of medicine possibly has the irritating quality to the stomach, or is because of the dosage relations. I guass.
Take care!
2006-04-07 10:40:49
2006-04-09 05:50:36
2006-04-07 10:44:51
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