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Human Rights Marriage Certificate 

Bridegroom :

Bride : Pin-Ching Li

Today, (Date) in (Place) (Year), ___________ and __________ marry and take the following oath:

We swear before heaven and earth, before sea and sky, before friends and family, and to all the world, that we will love and cherish each other forever, never separating. From this day forth, we will share our lives and overcome all problems together.

We will go forward in love and holding hands - even if the seas turn into mountains and the mountains turn into seas, until our hair turns white and beyond, for all our lives. We will abide by these rules:

From today, we are husband and wife. We love and respect each other, sharing happiness and sorrow. We will grow together as spouses and close friends, always speaking honestly and from the heart.

Communication is the basis of our relationship, and through our words and actions, we show our love and care and learn to understand each other more deeply. We will always speak freely and never try to intimidate.

Material successes and family are the fruits of our work together as a couple. We value our contributions equally - regardless of money or status.

If we have children, we will respect their independence as individuals. We will never use the children as surrogates for our own ambitions. We may have different ideas on how to raise them, but we will resolve our differences, and bring our children up in a supportive, loving environment.

Caring, warm families are the foundation of society and the best environment for children. We strive with our hearts and actions to make our family strong.

We value our marriage during both during ordinary and special times. We will nurture and grow our marriage and children by seeking out time and opportunities as a family to celebrate our many blessings with joy.

By showing our love, thanks and respect for both sets of our parents, we develop as individuals and strive to serve as an example for future generations.

From this day forward we will develop our intellectual and artistic interests so that as we age our lives can continue to be plentiful and full of interest.

We will be patient with ourselves and each other as we strive to follow these rules more perfectly. No matter what obstacles may arise, we promise not to abandon these goals.






相愛  不一定要結婚

結婚證書  只不過是一張白紙罷ㄌ

我希望情人給ㄉ最終承諾  是結婚

或許人家會覺得我只是一個小孩子  愛看童話故事








浪漫  是每ㄍ女生所喜愛ㄉ


一句我愛妳  加上一個吻   這就夠ㄌ

台長: Allison ♥ Jenny
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全站分類: 彩虹同志(同志心情、資訊)

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