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2006-04-24 11:04:01

What do u think of my......?

People from Hong Kong, what do u think about reading my website in English? Easy, interesting or not? Please leave me a message to let me know if u prefer reading ing Chinese. As I gave this ...

2006-04-18 15:34:53

Easter camp

Just a short share for the Easter Camp. Thanks Jesus died and raised again, we have this holiday to celebrate and to remember his death for taking away our sin. In this camp, the main theme is ”out r...

2006-04-13 19:32:03


在某日星期天, 我在教會內聽見一首歌. 説到African 怎樣被基督改變, 見到他們開心的一面. 這令我想起在香港的朋友們, 仍然在迷茫的人生中飄浮. 我不禁為你們憂愁, 熱淚禁不住的淌下. 我的弟兄安慰我: 不用憂愁...

2006-04-13 10:11:47


最近剛完成presentation and report of marketing. 好疲倦. 有幾日做到3,4 點. 個頭好痛, 個人好似唔知點. 覺得好肚餓, 食咗野之後都唔舒服. 原來係眼瞓, 冇辦法la, 之後繼續做野. 打電話比呀媽, 仲比佢串...

2006-04-13 09:18:49


豆豆. (咁多人叫豆豆ga. 你又係豆豆,我又係豆豆, 哈拿的friend又係豆豆,Ar Shan 隻狗...........又係豆豆) 我有帶你送比我嗰條手鏈ga. 嗱, 係咪呀. 不過有一次差啲唔見咗. (當然嗰陣唔敢話你知la) 嗰次...

2006-04-13 08:54:09


Shan Shan (唔識打你個名..........) 我有用你比我個............豬豬pad ga. 仲要係日日用tim! 不過而家用得多, 佢好似扁咗........ 冇咁肥. 其實你有冇睇我個網ga? 有就留言la.

2006-04-09 14:07:15

To Hongkies, Jesus in your life

To my fellow brothers and sisters, I miss u so much.Although I am not being with you at this moment, I would like to encourage you in everyway I can! Today, I went to church for the service. I w...

2006-04-06 21:29:35

Do I have a girl friend?

個個都問我有冇女朋友. 最近唔記得邊個又問我la. 既然大家都咁有興趣, 就不妨同大家講吓我的愛情史. 其實就是一直都冇. 係咪好驚起呢? 事實上我一直都有一種想法, 如果自己都照顧唔到, 又點照顧人呢? 假...

2006-03-26 21:37:00

My day

My days here...... Boring boring and boring. Go to school. Do homework. Cook for myself now and then eat! Sleep. Go to church on Sundays. Go shopping(buying food but not clothes). Play the...

2006-03-26 19:58:20


有人覺得我一個人在澳洲生活好好,好relax. OK la~~~~ 六點店舖關門, 夜晚冇街去係唔係好 relax ar? And I want to tell u relax or not relax 都唔係只在於地方,視乎個人而已. 有啲人過咗黎都唔 relax ga. So 如...

2006-03-25 07:19:52

Going to New Zealand

Sorry guys. I have to switch to English here and don’t want to suffering in typing in Chinese. I went with my previous housemate, Erique, who was from Vietnem and we stayed there for 9 days! It w...

2006-03-23 07:46:05


我家星期三好忙ar, 由1030am 至 2130!! 又多homework, 又要備課, 交report, 做presentation, ar !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 不過我知道噃工仲辛苦, 所以 for those who are working, try hard but don’t push ...

2006-03-23 07:29:22


我過咗澳洲都有一年la, 可能有啲friend都唔知or 最近先知,sorry mate. 見多好多人,見識多咗, 發覺人和人之間的關係應該close 啲. 所以之前05年12月回港都有見見大部份的朋友(如果冇你份,sorry) 可惜快樂的時間過...

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