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2008-10-07 20:11:49| 人氣521| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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haha! finally i finished another geography reference book!
due to the PMR, many students absent and they wanna study alone at their cozy home. perhaps, they just lying on the floor or on their bed and wait for god to help them to pass the test.
or, they might go to another place or masjid or temple or whatever places just to pray n pray n pray.
hoping god bless them.

well, peace on u, kong xian xiang (supposed to be piss on u)

wanna know who the hell he is?
 click here and here
(sorry, chinese version not available)

i dunno why but why you wanna do this to me?
left some stupid and useless comments to attack me!!!
in my blog!!!
i warn you, this is my territory, so, don try to mess with me or you will get a piece of me.
i know martial arts and i know how to beat an act-cool and overacting moron like you.
don always act like a notorious gangster in front of me and try to tackle me or i will going berserk and attack you like a madman. i might lose control of myself if you do something really made me angry.


i don really wan to hit you if you made me angry cuz you are my friend
but, if you made me no choice...

back to the topic

many students planned not to go to school tomorrow
i will go~
i am a very good boy~
well, just sometimes bad boy ;)
if needed.

5 days till PMR...
quite nervous now
i will try my best to get 8A's

but now
something is happening in my home now
maybe it will end someday and everything remains normal
it's quite complicated
my dad just gave me lecture yesterday and the lecture really affect my feeeeeling
about respect the elders and forgiving

it's very very complicated and i don wanna talk about it for now
i might share the 'interesting events' after they solve the problem ASAP
'they', means my dad, mom, in-laws and many nosy people
sounds very serious and complicated, right?

bye bye
that's all for today

台長: 愛慕者
人氣(521) | 回應(1)| 推薦 (0)| 收藏 (0)| 轉寄
全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: LiVe LiFe |

you can do it~~
nice to meet you~~
2008-10-13 16:52:06
2008-10-13 19:00:20
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