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2008-02-20 22:38:42| 人氣154| 回應0 | 下一篇


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I will have been believing you to say of if, because that is once more that you let me expect, I also really hope that if arrive to afterwards become us to all know!

I also hope that you will not falter what you say if, I believe you because love me so the commitment for just speaking out to be like and be unlike like this!

Please... If we really have that fate and can once more continue, that ask you is understanding each other of will not falter you this period of heart!

I already sad once, I don’t think again for the sake of you sad second time, can’t that painful my mind and bodies carry you again to understand?

If I now because these words said by you, gave up friends to my advice, if this time really at thoroughly be disappointed, that we any further aren’t friends aren’t loverses, and will become completely don’t know of stranger!

I will regard as you are the stranger that a has never known!

Please, don’t let me become the simpleton of love! Good?

I from the heart bottom believes what you say one word !

這就是我想說的 !

要知道內容請自行翻譯 別來問我 !

因為我絕不透漏一字一句 !

台長: C ” N
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