The idea, it just suddenly struck my head.
I think...I think I need a change.
Maybe because I’ve watched The Secret Garden and learnt there’s magic; maybe because spring is coming and bring life; maybe because I am deserted by the one that I’ve love so much; maybe because I’m missing someone dreadfully; perhaps because I’ve watched the TV program QUEER EYE FOR STRAIGHT GUYS which five cool guys are changing people and I’ve fallen in love with it; or because I met someone that I haven’t seen for long today; or maybe I’m miserable.
When you can finally feel that your life is flashing away; when you discovered that you’re not able to chase or pay for the time you waste; when you found that you’ve got not much time left; when you eventually realized that you’re living a meaningless aimless empty desperate life, you’ll feel horrified and helpless and tremble involuntarily.
And I’m exactly that person.
Why can’t? Why can’t I live a better life? I have the ability to.
I have to renew; refresh; reborn and recover.
Have a change, not only externally but also internally.
Try to look at things at different perspective, the world maybe totally different. Don’t lock yourself up.
One can make a miracle if one really wants to and believes in the power of life and love. I’m sure because life itself is a miracle.
Change! Go ahead!
well I don't know why I'm using my rubbish english for this rubbish passage.