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2004-05-10 06:46:00| 人氣26| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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So I looked in your direction,
But you paid me no attention, do you.

I know you don't listen to me.
'cause you say you see straight to me, don't you.

On and on from the moment I wake,
To the moment I sleep,

I'll be there by your side,
Just you try and stop me,

I'll be waiting in line,
Just to see if you care.

Did she want me to change?
But I change for good.
And I want you to know.
But you always get your way,
I wanted to say,


Don't you Shiver? Shiver, Shiver
I'll always be waiting for you,
So you know how much I need ya,

台長: 大製作與小明星
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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