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You're so desirable──by我的老帥哥偶像,封面人物Robert Palmer(大會報告:強力推薦Robert Palmer的Don't Explain專輯,整張專輯音樂型態非常豐富,搖滾、爵士、熱帶風等都表現得恰如其分,而You're so desirable就收錄在這張專輯裡)。

You're so desirable, I can't resist you. You're so desirable, I have to give in。………And I'm so glad you've got my heartbeat……。You're so adorable, the moment I saw you……。


Best of my love──by Eagles。他們的精選輯每出必賣,我也每次看到就好想買,即便手上已經有了兩張。

Every night I'm lying in bed, holding you close in my dreams。光是這前兩句歌詞,就讓人酥麻了。再往下聽:We try to talk it over but the words come out to rough. I know you were trying to give me the best of your love。對方在想什麼差不多都心知肚明了,於是掏心掏肺:But here in my heart I give you the best of my love. Oh sweet darling you get the best of my love…….而且還Every night and day喔!

Nothing's gonna change my love for you──by George Benson,注意喔,是個有點年紀的黑人,而不是當年翻唱這首歌的時候才十六歲的粉嫩奶油小生Glenn Medeiros。為什麼我要堅持是有點年紀的黑人原唱者而不是粉嫩奶油小生勒?

要怎麼相信一個十六歲的小毛頭,戀愛可能談不到一次,既沒經歷什麼挫折,也沒嚐過什麼美妙,對你唱著Nothing's gonna change my love for you?當然是見過風浪有點年紀的人唱起來比較具說服力囉!

其一是Have I told you lately?──by Rod Steward,其實原唱者是Van Morrison,但我就是偏好Rod Steward的版本,這首歌情場浪子唱起來,頗令女人感到虛榮。

Have I told you lately that I love you? Have I told you there's no one else above you?You fill my heart with gladness, take away all my sadness, ease my troubles that's what you do.


但如果戀愛(或婚姻)到最後唱成了If you don't know me by now──by Simply Red(也是我很喜歡的團體),就很不妙了。

If you don't know me by now, you'll never, never, never know me. All the things that we've been through. You should understand me, like I understand you.

非常典型的「我們都在一起這久了,我以為你應該會了解我」的怨偶,甚至全武行演出:Oh, don't get so excited when I come home a little late at night. Cause we only act like children when we argue, fuss and fight

愛情或婚姻走到這步田地該怎麼辦呢?Just trust in me like I trust in you. As long as we've been together, that should be so easy to do. 或許是最起碼的做法。如果做不到的話,就只能考慮Just get yourself together or we might as well say good-bye. 因為:What good is a love affair when we can't see eye-to-eye!



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