Corporate accounting的presentation---完成了
但下星期還有一連串的任務,基本上,我覺得…….那些根本就是never ending missions,永無休止的,下星期
1. Corporate accounting report
2. Management accounting assignment
3. China Taxation assignment
其實我也不是那麼貪小便宜的人啊!只是因為不滿學校,學校經已細少的了,福利又少(可能是我享用不到吧!),竟然連我唯一會用的laser printer也沒有了,很傷心啊!!又不派notes,又不讓人print,到底想任樣?我們的資助全用在那裡了?裝修嗎?我不要沙發,不了那所謂的花園!我要laser printer!!
星期五那天,完成了EN 與Corporate accounting的presentation,EN那個presentation,可用兩字形容----可怕!一點預備也沒有,只是把自己寫的那篇文,撕開一半來扮講稿!縱寫了頁數,但到講的時候,次序亂了,怎樣找也找不到自己想要的那頁!很無奈地“老吹”,而且還吹的頗明顯,因為根本就沒有point!!Corporate accounting的presentation,嘗試不望講稿的說了一會兒後,便採取完全放棄態度。講到忘了換transparency(那講師不讓我們用powerpoint啊!)
正在聽Oasis的《Slide Away》,很喜歡啊!縱是B-side歌,很久沒聽,現在還覺得很好聽
Slide away, and give it all you\'ve got
My today, fell in from the top
I dream of you, and all the things you say
I wonder where you are now?
Hold me down, all the world\'s asleep
I need you now, you\'ve knocked me off my feet
I dream of you, we talk of growing old
But you said please don\'t
Slide in baby together we\'ll fly
I\'ve tried praying and I know just what you\'re saying to me
Now that you\'re mine
I\'ll find a way
Of chasing the sun
Let me be the one that shines with you
In the morning when you don\'t know what to do
Two of a kind
We\'ll find a way
To do what we\'ve done
Let me be the one that shines with you
And we can slide away.
Slide away, and give it all you\'ve got
My today, fell in from the top
I dream of you, and all the things you say
I wonder where you are now?
Slide in baby together we\'ll fly
I\'ve tried praying and I know just what you\'re saying to me
Now that you\'re mine
I\'ll find a way
Of chasing the sun
Let me be the one that shines with you
In the morning when you don\'t know what to do
Two of a kind
We\'ll find a way
To do what we\'ve done