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2007-05-19 18:49:30


2006-09-20 22:17:36 走著走著~呃!怎麼一直繞來繞去.... 今早餵飽咕咕叫的小肚肚後,搭上Metro一路晃著晃著就來到了那熟悉的地方.. 最出名的微笑小姐就住在那~是的!我又來拜訪妳啦~蒙娜麗莎~ 懷著鄉近...

2007-05-06 09:04:34

Stopover in Singapore on May 6th, 2007

As the title, yet, it’s my stay late night transfering my early morning in the airport of Singapore. I’m now having a headache due to jetleg and sleepless right now. poor me>

2007-04-27 06:11:17

2007/4/27 貓頭鷹於清晨-第二航廈

搭乘半夜12點20分的客運,到達機場時已經4點初了....於5點10分在網路劃位櫃檯check in後,跟旺旺逛duty free shops...我們在D6 Gate等候...英國之旅即將起飛wish us all the best and safe trip. 貓頭鷹於4/27 06:11...

2005-12-08 23:02:11


Christmas is coming and Santa Claus is busy getting all the toys ready. Here are some of the letters you’ve mailed him so far. Send him a letter and you can hear his special message! Deep in t...

2005-10-31 15:22:42


昨兒個一早和一群同事跑到烏山健行 從紫竹寺入口沿著階梯俯仰而上 沿途高低起伏 腳步蹣跚的我氣喘噓噓慢步行走 唉~果真太久沒運動!~怎是一個”喘”字了得 回程路途陡峭,需配合繩索才能行走 接連2次讓我...

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