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2007-07-01 05:37:11| 人氣1,314| 回應9 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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(口白)東馬 我回來了
你看 我帶回來了你喜歡的
東馬 你為甚麼不說話
你為甚麼不說話 東馬~~~

(歌聲)東馬 我求你醒來吧東馬
東馬 我求你醒來吧東馬
聽我在告訴你 最後一句話
永遠地永遠地愛你 為甚麼為甚麼無語

東馬 我求你醒來吧東馬
東馬 我求你醒來吧東馬
我愛你我愛你我愛你 我愛的 東馬~~~

坦白講 我不知道。

(學西施捧心皺眉輕嘆氣) 有人說

Year 1

SSF1014 Introduction to Anthropology and Sociology

These two sub-disciplines, though arising from different social and spatial contexts, are really inter-linked and should be viewed together so as to provide a more comprehensive understanding of human society.

SSF1023 Contemporary Psychology

This course introduces psychology as scientific study of human and animal behaviour. The emphasis is on the use of relevant psychological, cognitive and developmental theories to study how biological, psychological, and socio-cultural factors affects human development specifically.

SSF1033 Introduction to Malaysian Social History

This course introduces the students to the historical process, the development and the socio-economic transformation of the people of Malaysia.

SSF 1044 Modern Economics

This course is divided into four sections namely, Section I: Economics and You, Section II: Understanding Basic Economic Concepts and Theories, Section III: Understanding National and Global Economy, and Section IV: Analysing Social Issues From Economic Perspectives.

SSF1053 Introduction to Political Sciences

This Introductory course aims to assist students develop their cognitive skills in analysing contemporary political issues. A part from abstract political science discussions, this course will also explore and discuss contemporary global politics as well as local Malaysian political issues.

SSF1063 Statistics for Social Science

This course is and introduction to statistical concepts in social sciences. The course consists of : (1) descriptive statistic which covers univariate and multivariate, probability, normal distribution and variability sampling; (2) inferential statistic which deals with testing of hypotheses, chi-square, analysis of variance (anova), linear correlation and regression analysis, and (3) non-parametric tests which include Mann-Whitney, U-test and Rank correlation.

SSF 1073 Community and Communication

Year 2

SSF2013 Social Science Research Methods

The purpose of this course is to expose students to the techniques of doing research in the social sciences.

SSF2023 Industrial Placement

Students are placed with any relevant social organisation of their choice with approval from the faculty. The attachment is for a duration of not less than 10 weeks.

SSA2013 Introduction to International Relations

The course introduces the world history from the dark ages to the modern world as a whole. The objective is to show the main trends in the development process of contemporary international relations.

SSA2023 Analysis of Foreign Policy and International Relations

The objective of the course is to give basic understanding about the different aspects in the making and implementation of the foreign policy of a nation. The course will analyse the foreign policies of several world major powers such as the United States, Russia, Britain, Japan, People Republic of China and India. This is to enable the students to examine and differentiate the objectives and factors that lead to the formation of foreign policies of those countries, and also their roles in the current international system, especially after 1945.

SSA2033 International Relations : Theory and Practice

The course gives basic understanding from different aspects of international relations by introducing several procedures and techniques to analyse international relations in practice.

SSA2043 Introduction to International Economics

The course will analyse the structure of economics relationship, especially the trade relationship among nations. After introducing general theories of the relationships, the course will discuss briefly the world economic system after World War Two to the formation of international economic realities we have today.

SSA2063 International Organisations

Special attention will be paid to the United Nations, especially the structural problems that it faces in carrying out its functions that change constantly. The course will also discuss the institutional relationships between nations, either in the form of union, regional co-operation or community.

SSA2073 International Politics of the Asia Pacific

This course is intended to analyse the regional security issues in the Asia Pacific region which as been profoundly affected by the end of the Cold War. Thus, this course will address some of the major areas of concern and themes. This would include defining the concept of "security" itself, the legacies of the Cold War in the region, the changing roles of external powers in the region, theory and practice of regional security co-operation, arms acquisition, alliances in the region and Asian values.

SSA2083 Introduction to International Law

This course will explain various special features of international law compared to the features of laws that are enacted and practised in a nation.

Year 3

SSA3013 The Practice of Modern Diplomacy

The course introduces practices that are adopted by nations in conducting the relationship between them. Special attentions will be given to the analysis of the structure of national missions overseas, related practitioners, the way a nation’s opinion is voiced, etc. Discussion will also focus on the types of diplomatic speech, diplomatic language, and other forms of diplomatic relationships that are often used.

SSA3033 Security and National Defence(我的最愛)

Though the world is experiencing globalization whereby no stronger wider alliance have developed among various nations, security issues are still apparent in today’s international relations. The course introduces the idea and philosophy of security and national defense to students whose interests lie in the arena of contemporary political thoughts. In addition, the class will discuss in further detail of conflict resolution strategies that have been proposed by academics and practitioners.

SSA3043 Contemporary Issues in International Relations

Several questions that influence the nature of relationship between nations in the world have been asked recently. It is in this context that the course will therefore focus on the analysis of the relationships -- between the superpowers and small nations, developed and developing nations etc.

SSA3053 Malaysian Foreign Policy

The course will give in depth understanding about Malaysian foreign policy. Moreover, the students will be able to analyse the development, changes and continuation of foreign policies under the four Prime Ministers.

SSA3063 Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

The objective of this course is to introduce relevant theories with practical examples that are useful to analyse techniques and goals in international negotiations and conflict resolution.
離家在即 最近愛上
費玉清獨唱版的 千里之外 ﹕

屋簷如懸崖 風鈴如滄海 我等燕歸來
時間被安排 演一場意外 妳悄然走開

故事在城外 濃霧散不開 看不清對白
妳聽不出來 風聲不存在 是我在感慨

夢醒來 是誰在窗台 把結局打開
那薄如蟬翼的未來 經不起誰來拆

我送妳離開 千里之外 妳無聲黑白
沉默年代 或許不該 太遙遠的相愛

我送妳離開 天涯之外 妳是否還在
琴聲何來 生死難猜 用一生 去等待

一身琉璃白 透明着尘埃 你无瑕的爱
你从雨中来 诗化了悲哀 我淋湿现在

芙蓉水面采 船行影犹在 你却不回来
被岁月覆盖 你说的花开 过去成空白

梦醒来 是谁在窗台 把结局打开
那薄如蝉翼的未来 经不起谁来拆

我送你离开 千里之外 你无声黑白
沉默年代 或许不该 太遥远的相爱

我送你离开 天涯之外 你是否还在
琴声何来 生死难猜
用一生 去等待




善緣如斯 實在感恩﹗

歌手:陳奕迅, 作曲:陳小霞,
編曲:陳輝陽, 填詞:林夕

若這一束吊燈傾瀉下來 或者我 已不會存在
即使你不愛 亦不需要分開

若這一刻我竟嚴重痴呆 跟本不需要被愛
永遠在床上發夢 餘生都不會再悲哀

#人總需要勇敢生存 我還是重新許願
例如學會 承受失戀
明年今日 別要再失眠 床褥都改變 如果有幸會面
或在同伴新婚的盛宴 惶惑地等待你出現
明年今日 未見你一年 誰捨得改變 離開你六十年
但願能認得出你的子女 臨別亦聽得到你講再見

Repeat #

在有生的瞬間能遇到你 竟花光所有運氣
到這日才發現 曾呼吸過空氣
珍重 再見﹗

台長: 东盟方先生
人氣(1,314) | 回應(9)| 推薦 (0)| 收藏 (0)| 轉寄
全站分類: 不分類




2007-07-01 10:22:32


放心去FLY 勇敢地去追 追你老人家未完成的梦!
..... 好了这一次不流眼泪......

记得带多一点VITAMIN C 去 因为吴美人无法再为你盖被
2007-07-01 13:56:23
2007-07-02 10:44:25
什么是“最美好的回憶,就是~整個編輯及翻譯組同事的深厚情誼﹗”???那么我们“天摇地震”的感情呢? :p
2007-07-05 22:19:39
yi...2007-07-07也是我在光华的LAST DAY也!明天就是......有没有不舍? 一点吧!
2007-07-06 15:41:36
2007-07-07 12:55:45
xiao liao... love d country untill xiao liao... but i thik u r more loving china...
2007-07-08 19:08:30
2007-07-11 15:48:07
2007-07-13 12:26:31
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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