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Every Day, I Wait for This Moment

 Every day,

I wait for this moment.

You probably have never noticed, that

I just so enjoy

when we stand and brush our teeth


at the tiny bathroom door.


I look at you


Whenever you open the cabinet

Take out the toothbrush, Squeeze the toothpaste

Brushing your teeth like a little schoolboy.


What a privilege it is

to be the first to see your cuteness every day.

Chubby cheeks just like those of an angel

 Sleepy eyes trying to open wide

No one can imagine how beautiful you are to me.

My heart leaps

when our eyes meet in the mirror.

I pray

these moments will go on for Eternity.


I hope you will

Never notice

How much I enjoy

when we stand and brush our teeth


at the tiny bathroom door.


-- by Yun (版權所有,勿轉載抄襲)

台長: 雲子修
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此分類下一篇:真情獻唱:“So Sweet Is The Rain” (雲子修原創歌曲)

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