European Sweepstakes Promotion49 Chepstow Close, Lytton Grove,London, SW15 2HGUnited Kingdom. Ref: win/oct102/07Batch:05/10/wa34AWARD FINAL NOTIFICATION We are happy to announce to you the draws of the EUROPEAN SWEEPSTAKESInternational programs held on the 11th of January 2008 in LONDON. Youremail address attached to ticket number 1456 with serial number 5555/04drew the lucky number 3-1-174, which subsequently won you the lotteryin the first category. You have therefore been approved to claim a totalsum of 2,000,000.00 (Two million euros) in cash credited to filewlp/23456/05. This is from a total cash prize of 60 million euros, sharedamongst the first thirty (30) lucky winners in this category. In view of this, your 2,000,000.00 (Two million euros) would be releasedto you by our redemption centers and Europe, Our agents will immediatelycommence the process to facilitate the release of your funds as soon asyou contact our agent. All participants were selected randomly from World Wide Website throughcomputer ballot system extracted from over 1,000,000 companies andindividuals, This promotion takes place annually. For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning informationconfidential untill your claims is processed and your money remitted toyou in whatever manner you deem fit to claim your prize. This is part ofour precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuseof this program by some unscrupulous elements. Please be warned. To file your claims, please contact our agent:Mr. Williams Patton.Universal Trust Inc.Email: wpatton300@live.comTel: +44-704-570-5404Fax: +44-707-502-0586CService : +44-700-580-5929 Note that all winning must be claimed not later than two weeks ofreceiving this notification. After this date all unclaimed funds will beincluded in the next stake.To avoid unnecessary delay and complications, please quote yourreference/batch numbers in any correspondences with us to our designatedagent. Congratulations once more from all members and staffs of this program!!! Note: Anybody under the age of 18 is automatically disqualified. Sincerely, Dr. Wolfgang G. CrusenManaging DirectorEuropean Sweepstakes Promotion.
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