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2008-05-22 00:44:14| 人氣147| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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You’re walking to me.

You’re reaching me.

You’re so close to me that I could even feel the frequency of your breathing.

I read your smiles.

I read your hair.

I read the expressions you have while you’re speaking to and looking at me so tenderly.

You utter words so slowly that your voicing of ”n” and ”l” sounds vaguely.

I smile and stand by you,accompanying you with what I think to be a natural and peaceful attitude.

The recently bought book is laid open on the desk.

You press the right corner,and I press the left one.

We now and then touch each other on shoulders.

We laugh and talk about that our favorite comic authors have their new works published.

We look so intimate that we seem to have been togeter for a long,long time,that the cold summer four years ago seems never exist,that you seem to care nothing about ouronce breaking.

By Alice said

台長: 水晶海豚
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