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2007-02-24 18:17:08| 人氣29| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Feels as if a knife were piercing heart

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Said really, initially I reached an agreement, again let me cry time

of I in not to fall a drop of tear for you, real. Today saw you are

dense when me I am quite happy, when but I looked at the speech which

you is dense I and I said, my entire heart has all broken to pieces,

real. You and I open the mouth the first speech unexpectedly is. I

day before yesterday had saw the storm storm and her sister-in-law,

you knew when I saw this speech my heart feeling? You understand? You

know? That is one kind of very pain very pain feeling, I dislike you,

I hate you.

台長: 寶寶 \ (@^0^@) /
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