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2007-04-05 22:32:56| 人氣63| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Don’t tell me

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I have my emotion .

Leave me along , please .

  〝 Did I tell u that i’m not like that

    Girls the one who gives it all away

    Did u think that i was gonna give it up to u

    Did u think it was somethin’ tell , ang cry

    Don’t try to tell me what to do

    Don’t try to tell me what to say

    Ur better of that way 〞

Time can slove the augrment , just not now .

Don’t let our bad temper hurt us .

That’s only thin’ i can say .

Others ... be quiet .

Thx = )

台長: 貓〃Liu ܤ


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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)