是在最後電影字幕上昇的同時 鏡頭一直TAKE廣角 拍攝著街道
街的右側挨著藍色閃著光的海面 風吹著樹梢
那輛Gran Torino連同其他車輛 往街的盡頭駛去
世界 繼續運轉
克林特·伊斯威特用自身的死亡帶來新生 用打火機消弭暴戾
片尾的處理與片尾曲 折了情緒
一直重複聽著這首歌 分享給你們
Gran Torino---by Jamie Cullum
Realign all the stars above my head 重排頭頂的星群
Warning signs travel far 徵候的前兆遠行
I drink instead on my own Oh! how I've known 我卻獨自酌飲,噢,我清楚了解
the battle scars and worn out beds 戰爭的傷痕和破舊的床鋪
gentle now a tender breeze blows 溫柔的微風吹拂
whispers through a Gran Torino 向Gran Torino低語
whistling another tired song 鳴唱另一首疲倦的歌謠
engines humm and bitter dreams grow 引擎嗡嗡,夜長苦夢
heart locked in a Gran Torino 心鎖在Gran Torino
it beats a lonely rhythm all night long 整夜敲奏寂寞的音韻
these streets are old they shine 這些老街內藏光采
with the things I've known 有我熟悉的一切
and breaks through the trees 穿過樹蔭
their sparkling 閃耀燦爛
your world is nothing more than all the tiny things you've left behind
So tenderly your story is 你的故事如此溫柔
nothing more than what you see 只不過是你所見
or what you've done or will become 或你所為或那些即將來臨
standing strong do you belong 堅強的成為你自己
in your skin; just wondering 表面上的堅強是真的嗎?
gentle now a tender breeze blows 輕柔微風吹拂
whispers through the Gran Torino 向Gran Torino低語
whistling another tired song鳴唱另一首疲倦的歌謠
engines humm and bitter dreams grow引擎嗡嗡,夜長苦夢
a heart locked in a Gran Torino心鎖在Gran Torino
it beats a lonely rhythm all night long整夜敲奏寂寞的音韻
may I be so bold and still 容我如此頑固不化
I need someone to hold 我需要有人可以擁抱
that shudders my skin 觸動我的肌膚
their sparkling 閃耀燦爛
your world is nothing more than all the tiny things you've left behind
so realign all the stars above my head重排頭頂的星群
warning signs travel far徵候的前兆遠行
i drink instead on my own oh how ive known我卻獨自酌飲,噢,我清楚了解
the battle scars and worn out beds戰爭的傷痕和破舊的床鋪
gentle now a tender breeze blows輕柔微風吹拂
whispers through the Gran Torino向Gran Torino低語
whistling another tired song 鳴唱另一首疲倦的歌謠
engines humm and better dreams grow 引擎嗡嗡,夜長苦夢
heart locked in a Gran Torino 心鎖在Gran Torino
it beats a lonely rhythm all night long整夜敲奏寂寞的音韻
it beats a lonely rhythm all night long整夜敲奏寂寞的音韻
it beats a lonely rhythm all night long整夜敲奏寂寞的音韻