不夠喝 夜還很長
揉進歌詞裡的 還有這麼一個雷同
怪罪replay鍵吧 重複撥放過錯 錯過
淺藍色的床 淚加深了顏色
斑斑點點 拼湊著Tom唱歌時的表情
如果你想來看我 請帶著這一瓶銷魂的酒
我的 已經空了
Blue Valentines by Tom Waits
She sends me blue valentines
All the way from Philadelphia
To mark the anniversary
Of someone that I used to be
And it feels just like theres
A warrant out for my arrest
Got me checkin in my rearview mirror
And I'm always on the run
Thats why I changed my name
And I didn't think you'd ever find me here
To send me blue valentines
Like half forgotten dreams
Like a pebble in my shoe
As I walk these streets
And the ghost of your memory
Is the thistle in the kiss
And the burgler that can break a roses neck
It's the tatooed broken promise
That I hide beneath my sleeve
And I see you every time I turn my back
She sends me blue valentines
Though I try to remain at large
They're insisting that our love
Must have a eulogy
Why do I save all of this madness
In the nightstand drawer
There to haunt upon my shoulders
Baby I know
I'd be luckier to walk around everywhere I go
With a blind and broken heart
That sleeps beneath my lapel
She sends me my blue valentines
To remind me of my cardinal sin
I can never wash the guilt
Or get these bloodstains off my hands
And it takes a lot of whiskey
To take this nightmares go away
And I cut my bleedin heart out every nite
And I die a little more on each St. Valentines day
Remember that I promised I would
Write you...
These blue valentines
blue valentines
blue valentines
最後 我請Tom幫我多加一段歌詞進去
If I can change my name
Baby ,maybe I don't need to run and stay
But I am a whiskey-man,living in an empty bottle
cut my days and night-walk-man
so send me into a river
then blow yesterdays away
and blow
these blue valentines
blue valentines
blue valentines