一直很喜歡Nicolas cage的演技,那種眼神不知怎麼形容,黯然消魂又蕩氣迴腸,就算真的憂鬱症患者都沒他那麼憂鬱.
看完這部片,心情整個更低落,Nicolas cage演出中年男子那種處在事業、家庭、婚姻、親子種種問題,力求改善,但是卻不從人願;他在父親的生前告別聚會,得知前妻將再嫁,失控的想拿弓箭射向那位要娶他前妻的男子;接下來輪到他向眾親友發表他對父親的告別辭,只說到Bob seger的歌名”like a rock”就整個停電,沒人鳥他,那種瀕臨崩潰的表情,實在經典.
michael caine(演他父親)把這首”like a rock”找來,與Nicolas cage在車上最後一次談話中說到,「成長從來都不容易. 在這爛透的人生中, 我們要學會對一些事情捨棄.」(Easy doesn’t enter into grown-up life.This shit life ,so we must chuck something.) 這是一個將離開人世的父親,對中年兒子的勸告。
片尾Nicolas cage一段獨白,也深深打入我心,
I remember once imeagining what my life would be like,
what I’d be like.I pictured having all these qualities,strong, positive qualities...
that people could pick up on from across a room.
but as time passed...few ever became any qualities I actually had.
and all the possibilties I faced,and the sorts of people I could be...
all of them got reduced every year to fewer and fewer
until finally they got reduced to one...
to who i am.
主阿!我願殷勤 謙卑 接受您的管教 保守我的心在祢全能的光照之下
”like a rock” Bob seger
Stood there boldly
Sweatin’ in the sun
Felt like a million
Felt like number one
The height of summer
I’d never felt that strong
Like a rock
I was eighteen
Didn’t have a care
Working for peanuts
Not a dime to spare
But I was lean and
Solid everywhere
Like a rock
My hands were steady
My eyes were clear and bright
My walk had purpose
My steps were quick and light
And I held firmly
To what I felt was right
Like a rock
Like a rock, I was strong as I could be
Like a rock, nothin’ ever got to me
Like a rock, I was something to see
Like a rock
And I stood arrow straight
Unencumbered by the weight
Of all these hustlers and their schemes
I stood proud, I stood tall
High above it all
I still believed in my dreams
Twenty years now
Where’d they go?
twenty years
I don’t know
sit and I wonder sometimes
Where they’ve gone
And sometimes late at night
When I’m bathed in the firelight
The moon comes callin’ a ghostly white
And I recall