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2006-01-28 20:43:36| 人氣61| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

average 86%!!!

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ai.....yesterday ho ng happy ar...

first pe lesson....that teacher don’t like me law!!!i hate her i hate her!!!

that.....ceramics lesson .....my小池澈平 ge head had finish la....but it don’t seem........wakakaka......every one don’t la...

hai law.....and that phytest result...i got only 82....and the class average is 86 law.....=.=...

only thing happy is...my parents is coming la.....wakaka....

michelle:cos i can’t saw 李宇春 la...that day i have phy test ar...>.<..

台長: AM 成員是也~!
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